i need an advice [Answer]
12 08,2023
Well... It's hard to give out a concrete answer for this one. It depends. I'm guessing it's an impulsive thing, maybe its due to her background being like that, so she probably didn't have much money to spare and wasn't able to buy much stuff that she likes. It started small but now she's unable to hold back anymore after stealing the first time. B......   1 reply
12 08,2023
i need an advice [Answer]
Grell 12 08,2023
It'll only get worse if u continue to let her do it   1 reply
12 08,2023
i need an advice [Answer]
12 08,2023
1, this is not reddit. I would prefer if you went to r/relationshipadvice. 2, Break up. Yes you might lover her and all but if she is doing this blatantly and is lying just break up. You can have a conversation where you confront her, but her habits might not stop. If she is threatening to go back home to her abusive family and is making you feel ......   1 reply
12 08,2023
i need an advice [Answer]
Tito :3
12 08,2023
Ohmg???? Im so sorry what your partner is doing is very toxic behaviour. I 100% recommend to comfort her but i know its gonna be hard. You love her so of course its gonna be hard when you comfort her and risk losing her but im telling you maybe its better ofd without her. Im not saying shes like a totaly bad person but she is stealing money from yo......   1 reply
12 08,2023
i need an advice [Answer]
12 08,2023
My guy I'll be honest with you the only way is to confront this even if you are scared to lose her. Stealing can actually be a compulsive problem for her. You can't just back down because she says she'll leave or return to her abusive family, I say bring it up with the family too so they are aware because shit like that can ruin your relationships ......   1 reply
12 08,2023
i need an advice [Question]
bebs undercover 12 08,2023
pls dont be rude im just desperate for advices sorry for the essay lmao

for context, we've been tgt for 7 months, i still live w my mom and my partner's home situation is complicated, and we've been living tgt for more than 5 months ig? my mom also insisted that we take her in sooo

ok so i rly love my partner, i try to be understanding w her and we're in a pretty healthy relationship ig currently but uh she has this bad habit i think uhm, she steals.

she constantly steals from my mom, me, whenever we go to my sibling's houses, our friends and stuff, and the thing is, she steals money, ranging from a coin to 100 pesos. and 100 is quite big when ure poor so haha.

i try to be understanding like oh maybe she needs money to buy stuff we need wo my mom knowing that she doesnt have money and be humiliated i think or like she needs money to buy me stuff or her stuff??? idfk

i confronted her once about a 20 peso bill from my moms wallet, my familys struggling financially so even that is important, 20 pesos isnt much and i just asked her casually if she took it to add to our money to buy snacks, i even said that mom doesnt mind nwys

her response was so defensive and she turned the tables on me saying i doubted her and i was blaming her for shit when i was just asking her like??

recently i saw her stealing coins that were on piles believed to be goodluck in my sister's house, it was by piso, by five, and by tens. that pile alone reached up to probably 500+ and she used those coins as our ride fare and for snacks. she even counted it in front of me and it reached 130 pesos, i asked abt it and she said its spare change that got piled up in her wallet like, i just saw her wallet coin compartment and it was empty save for a few pesos.

i love my partner but i cant let her be when she has stolen money from me and my family. im scared to confront her directly bcs shes quite complicated whenever we fight haha and by that i mean, she threatens me w shes going home to where her abusive family is ,or throw me some words and give me the cold shoulder making it feel like im always the one in the wrong and again turning tables on me n shit.

i still love her sm after all this shit and its kinda painful whenever she would wrong me, or the ppl ik lol. i cant stand her doing shit like this but i dont wna lose her too by confronting it even if thats the only way. i alrdy lost friends and we're on the same circle, i dont wna lose anything anymore.

so pls help if u have any idea on what im supposed to do or what can i do?? pls im desperate
12 08,2023
08 07,2021
Hi! I hope you're doing well. First, I want to reassure you that what you are feeling is valid. You are going through something very tough and you are allowed to feel how you are feeling; Please never feel like you are over reacting. With that said, you are very strong for dealing with this. In my opinion, what your dad is doing is not correct. I ......   reply
08 07,2021
Roman 08 07,2021
You should confront him and tell him how irrational he's being. If you already keep up with practicing piano than what's the issue? A routine of practicing daily for 2-hours might become a tedious habit built into your schedule than an actual hobby. However if talking wont go through to him and he's not the type of person to sit down and listen tha......   1 reply
08 07,2021
08 07,2021
If he's being abusive, leave, go to child services etc. If he isn't/you can't or don't want to leave, the only option is to either wait it out or get that guy some therapy. Get your mum and sister to help u give your father some anger management or something similar (like band together to make sure he does it).   1 reply
08 07,2021
Parents(again, ik) [Question]
08 07,2021
My dad takes away my electronics for a week if I don't finish practicing 2 hours of piano per day. I think its unfair, since I normally finish practice, but if I miss one day then it all gets taken away. I feel like he's starting to become crazy with everything going on. idk. he also has anger issues, and my mom and sister have been giving him tons of chances, but I just don't think its working out. I want to move out, but I am still underaged and therefore cannot afford to do so. he's been yelling at the family a lot and everyones just getting rlly tired. I don't know what to do at this point. someone please give me some advice. I really don't know what to do anymore.
08 07,2021

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