RESCUE [Experience]
ElaKatsuki 08 04,2018
I've had a total of 30 cats since 2010 and now I have 4. We adopted several ( they were young af like maybe 2 days old for the youngest and the oldest we got was 1 month old for the cats we took care of until they died). The 4 we have now includes: Ming, the one-eyed 5 yr old; Lai-Lai, the green-eyed fab crook-tail; Lucky, the cross-eyed un-neutere......   reply
08 04,2018
3 Cats [Experience]
Buji 16 03,2018
I have a total of 3 cats. MY cat, who currently lives with my mom since I ended up moving, is named "Poop" short for "Poopie" which is short for "Poopie-a-Poop" Why is his name Poop? Well my sister's ex boyfriend said that the mother cat smelled like poop at one point and she became "Kitty-a-Poop" and her children became her "poops" which became th......   reply
16 03,2018
Talk about your pets [Experience]
08 03,2018
Or your misery of not having one... I live in an apartment that doesn't allow one and I'm also poor as fuck because fuck the college life. So I made this for people to brag about their pets and I can cry about it or I can find kindred souls who knows how I feel.   3 reply
08 03,2018

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