Fall For A Same Sex Person

Once upon a time there was me, a random girl who just discovered tumblr. Naturally since EVERYONE on tumblr was LGBTQA whatever, I also started to question myself. Am i really a girl? Do i like girls?? What??? At that time i became best friends with this girl, I'll call her Bell. Bell seemd nice and funny etc etc. We were EXACTLY 100% the same. Si......   2 reply
07 05,2018
I had my first GF at Jan 03 2018 thats also when i discovered im Bi :D shes my bestfriend. We broke up because last May I told her i would cosplay Victor Nikiforov Genderbend. She said Hell nuh, hit the gym first and be as small as victor and to be as white as victor and to be as beautiful as him.   3 reply
06 05,2018
Weeeeird— [Experience]
Matt Holt Wannabe
25 02,2018
I mean that stupid thing when you think you're straight but you fell for a straight person and suffered... You can see this as 'How you discovered your sexuality?' and share your experiences!   2 reply
25 02,2018

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