Fall For A Same Sex Person

Nope.   reply
19 01,2020
Idk if this counts but some guy I use to know told me he had wet dreams of me and my friends then proceeded to pull out his dick. I was horrified. Of course I looked away however he kept spamming me creepy text messages, I-- what even? Also, when I was younger my cousin (20 something? I was like 6-9?) tried dragging me off to his room while I......   2 reply
19 01,2020
yeah by a causin and a shopkeeper and a priest and a teacher now that i say it i feel like a creep magnet i tried to tell my sis abt the causin but she diddnt beleive me so i stopped trying well i was a kid now anyone say bad shit abt this bitch ima fuck em up...   3 reply
10 01,2020
Yes, when I was little, about three or four years old, my aunt's husband ran a hand over my private parts. He even did it for a few years. But it took me a while to realize that this was harassment. It's a bit traumatizing, I'm afraid of opening myself to people and that's why I've never dated, since I'm afraid of contact, of being forced into some......   1 reply
09 01,2020
unfortunately I mean there's always someone to yell obscenities through car windows right? I go clubbing a lot and there's been several times where people think me dancing with friends means they get to cop a feel. On New Year's Eve I was wearing jeans that make my butt look bigger than it already is and someone grabbed an entire handful. Too many ......   reply
09 01,2020
Writing buddies [Answer]
09 01,2020
Uh I like to draw webtoon even though I'm kinda of a beginner !! Instagram : @simutokki Discord : simutoki #5507   reply
09 01,2020
it was back in school and I was about 10 years old. These boys in my class that sat next to me started touching me down every time when the teacher wasn’t looking. I got so pissed and felt so uncomfortable that I called them out in a very loud voice so the teacher and the whole class could hear me. I still remember their red faces and the look of......   2 reply
09 01,2020
Barack Obama called me dummy thicc and asked if my sexy ass would attend his orgy with Michelle Obama and Kim-jung un. I politely rejected but this bitch ass mofo grabbed me right in the pussy and called me a dirty commie cum whore. I was on the verge of tears. Thankfully, Vladimir Putin came to save the day and I've had a crush on him ever s......   11 reply
09 01,2020
Ye when i was in 7th grade some kid grabbed my ass i just looked at him with disgust and disappointment. Some girl dared him.   reply
09 01,2020
no who would want to even grope someone like me im not exactly skinny and the only good quality i have physically would be my thighs and boobs. but i hope that people who harras get their karma! ( ̄へ ̄)   reply
09 01,2020

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