Fall For A Same Sex Person

Countless times... I never wear skirts anymore because of the shit some dudes pull.   4 reply
19 01,2020
I was in a public market. We just moved into this new place and we're new. I kept looking around while my mother buys stuff and this creepy old man(more like a perverted beggar) creeps up behind me and poked my butt. Like we were in a public place! I was disappointed with the people. It cant be that they didnt see it right???   2 reply
19 01,2020
multiple times, in public transport... i was riding a jeepney when this guy holding a box (said box is slightly on my lap too so i didn't notice at first) put his hand on my thigh and between my legs.. no one noticed since the box was hiding it... when i moved he quickly got off the jeep. another one was in an SUV, also a public transport... the g......   1 reply
19 01,2020
well when i was 7 years old up until 12 or 13 i have been sexually harassed (i guess more like raped )by my uncle everytime he would visit our house and yes he did all sort of things i'm almost 20 yrs old now i get deppressed most of the time and i can't visit the phsycologie cause my parents think that i'm overreacting (they actually don't know )......   8 reply
19 01,2020
it was my cousin. i was maybe 10 thn ( now im 16) . i used to sleep over his house cz i love his mom (as my aunt) and his dad worked in night shift so my aunt, me and him used to sleep in one bed aunt in middle. he was maybe 14 thn. one morning aunt was up and we were sleeping he tried to touch my legs or rub against me and told me it'll feel good ......   1 reply
19 01,2020
I was on a packed train during rush hour when I suddenly felt someone's hand brushing up my ass. At first i tried to reason that the it was an accident because the train was pretty packed and there really was no room for me to move in. It wasnt until after the next station when people got off and the train had a little bit more space when the hand ......   1 reply
19 01,2020
yes, by a distant relative who used to come to our house often when i was 7 or 8 and by my house tutor when i was 6. and the most disgusting part about the distant relative was that my mom got a hint of what was happening but she always turned a blind eye. i lost my trust in her ever since.   1 reply
19 01,2020
I was groped, kissed, and begin forced touch his private parts by 40ish years old man and I'm was 12 years old. This is very traumatic for me.   1 reply
19 01,2020
When I was 10 there was a boy who always kissed me and I didn't want this. He also showed me his dick twice. It was so disgusting, he was 9!!   reply
19 01,2020
When I was 8 y/o, a friend of mine invited me to go to their house. My friend's grandfather who was about 60+ y/o told me to sit in his lap. It was very uncomfortable but i though it was a normal thing for them. As my friend went to the other room, he then forced kissed me and was trying to stick his tongue in my mouth. Luckily my friend went back ......   6 reply
19 01,2020

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