I read a lot of smutty and fluffy yaoi in my class when my lectures keep dragging on or when I arrive early for class, and having to control my facial expression, gotta say was the hardest thing I had to do but do I regret it? Nope ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ reply
Not really the hardcore ones but one time I was reading A Guy Like You and my guy classmate just HAD to catch me the time it was a naughty scene,,, he took my phone and showed his other friend and the thing is, they were both korean and I was kinda crushing on his friend HHH I had to explain that nothing 'extreme' even happens in that webtoon sdjsj...... 1 reply
Yep yep yep, at first I was so nervous and then suddenly I realised, NO ONE CARES IF I’M READING YAOI IN CLASS so I just kept on doing it- I haven’t gotten outed yet ;) reply
So we had finished an assignment and our teacher told us to get our laptops and when I signed in there was tons of saved banners so i clicked on them to see if i actually needed them. I eventually clicked on one and it was make me bark(i already finished) I saw it and knew i didn’t cause the banners bc i had already finished that yaoi. Even thoug...... reply
Yeah i did read yaoi in class... I read yaoi at my boy-friend phone hahahahah and its funny how he looked at his phone while theres yaoi page in his google XD... Well we both like anime he like yuri some harem anime and he is lolicon and i am fujoshi, i like normal anime.. And were both aware that we also watch hentai... He is also my ex-fakeboyfri...... reply
Well, I don't care, I'm not embarrassed cuz I always keep it unable to be seen by others. And god damn it, I even read some hardcore stuff so it's funny >, 1 reply
I don't read yaoi in class---heck, I don't use phone in class. My school is really strict. If the teachers caught you using your phone(unless teacher allowed you to), it will get confiscated and I do not want that. I only read yaoi at lunch. I'm careful not to get caught though. Some of my classmates know that I love yaoi and 1 teacher knows that I...... 2 reply
When i was in school i did it on breaks and when i had time. I read yaoi in public places like it’s nothing. If someone around is bothered by it, well not my problem. Dude you’re not supposed to look at other people’s phone screen! 1 reply