I did, but... [Experience]
antagonistinblack 04 05,2020
We were inside the bathroom (it was quite spacious), but I only did it to buy some time and to stop her for a moment. She was planning on cutting her wrist, so I did it. My right had beside her head, while the left grips her weapon she hid behind her back. Fortunately, two of my classmate came afterwards to calm her while I back away (coz I'm usele......   1 reply
04 05,2020
One time i was just making fun of him and then one second i remember my friends telling me how they received a kabedon then i did it with him just to tease him a little then i saw him blush then i blush too   2 reply
06 08,2019
Technically it wasn't on purpose. My friend and I were commuting by train and it was packed! I made her stick to a corner at first so that she wouldn't get bumped by other passengers, but it got really crowded so I placed my hand on the wall behind her to protect her. I was doing the kabedon without even realizing it! We got off after a bit and she......   3 reply
04 08,2019
plot twist [Experience]
03 08,2019
my friend boy did it to me but i thought it was a joke and the whole class was going crazy so i laughed at him, apparently he also couldnt keep it in and start to giggle. i was thinking of going under his arms to escape but now he put his foot on the wall too. his face was so close to me BUT since i read so much yaoi i knew what he was gonna do (he......   6 reply
03 08,2019
Kabedonnnn [Experience]
02 08,2019
A boy out of my class once did it to me as an joke.(  ̄へ ̄) He came way to close to me, so i kissed his cheek. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ After that he was so Embarsassed. ┗( T﹏T )┛ Everyone laughed at him, that was so funny! (≧∀≦)   3 reply
02 08,2019
By accident? [Experience]
Misa Misa
28 07,2018
These boy were acting up (in class) and being brats, and I was leaning against the wall, talking to my friend when a boy from the group, came over and said "sorry" Now this boy was very cute and he was popular, kind of like in animes how the handsome boy is popular because he is kind. But anyways, he said "sorry" and I was confused, like why was......   3 reply
28 07,2018
XDDDDD [Experience]
27 06,2018
Ha ha ha XDDDD just talking about kabedon makes me wanna laugh XDDD my classmates do that to each other jokingly all the time XDDD   reply
27 06,2018
Just recently I accidently did it to a girl. Just an accident. Slammed my hand against the wall, she was right there, shorter than me, smaller than me and everything, and I'm pretty short myself. We're both girls, which is fine for me. I didn't even know her, but I guess it still counts. It was actually pretty fun. Hopefully I can receive one som......   2 reply
22 04,2018
e.e 18 02,2018
I was 13. My first time in a mixed school. There was one handsome guy (most handsome guy in school) who was super funny and he liked me for a while (we didn't date each other) and oh damn. There was just one time when I was just moving across the whiteboard and he came straight across the class and slammed the whiteboard hard with his right hand fi......   reply
18 02,2018

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