30 11,2023
I swear people never learn. No but in all seriousness the why do some of y'all try so hard to get the site taken down smh   reply
30 11,2023
30 11,2023
How about you don't do that   reply
30 11,2023
30 11,2023
Top 10 ways to make mgg users hate you   1 reply
30 11,2023
30 11,2023
do NOT   reply
30 11,2023
hang! 30 11,2023
Oh let's not   reply
30 11,2023
alex ☠ 30 11,2023
put this on tiktok n u wont see this site ever again gang   reply
30 11,2023
30 11,2023
Bruh I don't have any favourite topic.. Almost every topic is dumb as hell   reply
30 11,2023
Wizards [Experience]
30 11,2023
Why do wizards always have long hair? Is there a law that they must grow their hair out to their crack? Is it like rapunzel? The longer the hair the stronger the powers? What is the reason?   1 reply
30 11,2023
30 11,2023
sadly my favorite topic got deleted by mgg   reply
30 11,2023
orangeyeji 30 11,2023
"Do yall remember when we used to cut our pubic hair to mix it with honey and drink it" (gatekeep the site tho)   4 reply
30 11,2023

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