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How's your day been going?
Are you feeling all right? If you're feeling down, then why don't you start listing every positive thing you can think of, it helps.

Warning, following content may trigger people.

A little puppy was yawning and it was so cute I though my heart stopped.

Also I got fucked and they tattooed a womb tattoo on my back IDK why but it was hot.
16 07,2021
I feel happy knowing theres more fantasy in the popular manga section than usual
01 06,2021
But is it just me or do i get horny when i'm having a period?-
This only happens when i'm having a period and now i'm wondering-
01 06,2021
LiKe MaTe StOp PrOcRaStInAtIng, he is a sweet little bean and he deserves nothing but happiness, peace, prosperity, and purity in this cruel world. we must protect him at all costs. If you wanna fight me on this, then square up
25 04,2021
My mom recycled my old laptop which had all my memes on it but I forgot to tell her, so now I desperately need new ones
08 04,2021
08 04,2021
I heard if you killed 300 sumn sumn of your enemies you could make an iron sword out of the iron in their blood
08 04,2021
I just saw this on my google thingy sorry if i got your hopes up lol
08 04,2021
like people who are out here saying "dOnT rEaD bL iTs FeTaShIzInG gAy PeOpLe" if it damn is stop reading manga because its fetashizing Japanese people and dont listen to kpop because of Koreans you guys gotta undertsand that not every fucking girl reads bl because of that damn reason honestly shut up about all you questions with no facts
04 04,2021
Y'all always talk about your favorite users or some shit. Let's switch it up

idk maybe some user has more followers than you would expect
15 02,2021
I know every movie technically is a social commentary , but I wanna know some movies that really criticize an aspect of human society or question a philosophical point.

My favorite is God Bless America, it's a criticism of the shallowness of american entertainment, such as american idol and all those reality shows.
30 10,2020
30 10,2020
I’m tired, I’m gonna go to sleep.
Have a nice day.
30 10,2020
18 10,2020
i’m the only one who’s realizing that in this whole website most of the community is fucking rude? excuse is it so difficult to be at least respectful for on another? still some people here are really so sweet and polite, but really... what the fuck
18 10,2020
17 10,2020
Bullying, knock it off
Racism, knock it off
Bigotry, knock it off
Crime, knock it off
Robbing banks, knock it off
Not saying thanks, knock it off
17 10,2020
so what I was trying to say I'm 19 and I experienced masturbation for the first time months ago, still a virgin ( huhu what a surprise right !) bcz i was raised in a kind of religious and strict environment I feel ashamed about touching myself so tell me is it normal to feel horny and excited like every night or I'm just a piece of pervert trash and I should seek help srsly? and how to manage to not touch myself though...
21 08,2020
Lyly 21 05,2020
I'm obsessed with guys that have beauty marks on their neck ,Am I weird for not accepting a guy that doesn't have one ????
21 05,2020
My birthday is coming up and I was thinking about getting my first tattoo! I really like the idea of a butterfly tattoo (they've been very symbolic for me). I'm indecisive about placement, I really like the inner upper arm and the ribcage but do those spots hurt more/less? I would kinda like to place it somewhere less visible but I still want it to look good. Please share your opinions on the placement/what would hurt less and maybe some advice! I would really appreciate it :)
29 01,2020
So, I plan on getting two more tattoos in the next year, but I'm like uncertain on where I want them.
The first tattoo is going to be depicting violets around a green brooch (to show off all my love for Violet Evergarden.) I think I want this one on my thigh....I think, lol.
The second tattoo is gonna be a space/constellation theme, with the Latin phrase "per aspera ad astra."
I feel like the best spot for this one is my back, but half of my back is already covered and it doesn't really go with the cherry blossom tree that's already there. Lol.
14 08,2019