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Jake MC: two different colored eyes helpful what the hell is he talking about I had no idea what's going on first I need to calm down and analyze the situation ???: Well I got to go now you guys should introduce yourself while I'm gone I need to look after the other room- Crystal: W-wait other room are there more people like us?! ???: Oh no looks like I already said too much damn it the higher-ups are going to kill me now well whatever got to go Jake MC: interesting higher-ups another a room so are there other people like us trapped in a killing game or whatever could he be here no he would never he quit playing games right? Ashley: well I guess I should introduce myself hello my name is Ashley I'm 17 years old my hobbies are reading drawing and playing detective games it'd be very much appreciated it if you did not bother me unless it was absolutely necessary Crystal: u-umm hi M-my named Crystal and I'm 16 years old and my hobbies are painting and playing video games Jessica: well how do you do my name is Jessica and my hobbies are well I guess you can guess playing games and I love picking apples and do farm work with my family on my family farm I hope we can all be friends here and I don't know about this killing game thing but don't worry it'll work out and I'm 20 years old
27 05,2021
I’m happy for the both of them but it hurts like a lot. Then dating behind my back and not telling me and all I can think abt is how this might ruin what we have or the fact that I might actually like one of them. I’ve been crying for a while now and my heart hurts so much wtf is wrong with me?
27 05,2021 so go to this to understand anyway part 2 of the story so this b**** was really annoyed at me because of what I did so things were calm she didn't mess with me I thought she finally had enough but a few days later I got this note in my locker I know really old school I guess I was like what the f*** anyway it said to meet on top of the staircase whatever so I did and I was surprised cuz this b**** was standing there so I went there and all of a sudden this b**** try to push me off the f****** stairs by the way the stairs were really deep so if I fell I probably would have died or went to the hospital so yeah rumors are already going around that she had problems but his f****** confirmed it anyways someone seen this happening and grabbed her before I f****** fell and thank God they were there or else I would have died anyways she disappeared after that I don't know what the f*** happened to her because her family moved or some s*** the rumors saying that she went to a mental hospital or something but some people said her family was rich so they somehow got her out of it or something I don't know but I swear if I ever see her again I'm f****** punching her in the f****** face and calling the police (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
27 05,2021
Yes I did so let's give her a fake name Becky sounds nice by the way the people that do have that name no offense anyways I was just sitting you know minding my own business and then this b**** comes up to me and f****** slaps me what the f*** by the way the teacher wasn't in yet so you know she thought I can do whatever so you know what I did I got up left the classroom got a drink came into classroom and f****** poured it on her now that felt satisfying anyway everybody hated her and I never understand why but now I do so when the teacher came in and asked what the f*** happened she told the teacher that it was me but everybody said she was lying and that she slapped me and planned it all out she gone to so much f****** trouble it was so hard not to make a face or laugh now that's the benefits of being the funny / nice kid in class that everybody likes
27 05,2021
Kind of I was like the second teacher pet I guess I sucked at school but I was great at sweet talking to teachers(๑•ㅂ•)و✧
27 05,2021
Just put ur sign and i'll let you know!
19 05,2021
Just put your sign and i'll tell u what u are!!
19 05,2021
It's me that one guy who keeps asking questions... randomly like yesterday ( ̄∇ ̄") So...
Do.. Anyone knows a manga where the mc is dying but gets saved by some skeletons (which I think he summoned them without realizing it) and started to call him I think master. And, I think he was iseaki as well... I don't quite remember it.. it's been a long time since I read it.
And also, Have a great day people. (づ ̄ v ̄)づ
07 05,2021
Soo.. It's me again.. hey, howdy, hola, Nǐn hǎo, Konnichiwa, Salut and wassup to all the people who still up or sleeping. Just wanted to say good night because I'm that one guy...
( ̄∇ ̄")
06 05,2021
Hey, it's me again.. that one guy, that you don't know...

Anyways, uh...

How you guys doing today..?
05 05,2021
For me, I'm super compatible with quiet people because I'm a huge extrovert that talks too much and it really makes me happy when people listen. I also work well with people who are really extroverted and have a similar personality to me (like being funny, talkative, not shy). I kinda hate people who like to talk about others behind there back cuz they all snakes and I bet everyone has that one friend group in school who specializes in that. I also just don't work well with kids who are super popular and stuff. Idk why.. it might be because I don't fit in or the fact that I'm not that popular LMAO.
05 05,2021
Honestly I hate taking part in drama but I feel like this is really a thing we should be talking about

I get that India has given rise to a new variant of Covid, I get that in a crowded place like India people are even more prone to contracting Covid, but hating on Indians because of living conditions they can't control and then dragging religion into it? That's really low.

People in India are struggling to survive. Crematoriums are completely booked and you're making fun of people's bodies being burned in dog parks. Have some empathy, or at least pretend you do. There's no reason for you to be hating on people who have so little control over their own living situations.

Obviously those who can afford it are trying to get vaccines, wearing masks, and being mindful about the dangers of Covid. But there are just so many poor and uneducated people on the streets of India that it becomes difficult to control. Rather than hating on India for spreading the virus we should be doing things in our power to help, even small things like signing a petition to deliver vaccines over there or donating towards resource management.

Yes, I am Indian, and yes I have family there (but I live in the US), so obviously I'm a bit sensitive towards hate on my country and culture. Anyway, that's all of my rant, just please be mindful of other countries' circumstances.
04 05,2021
uh huh you thought I was gonna let you get away calling her a monkey huh smh
04 05,2021
If you do, could you explain why? The whole thing seems kinda discriminatory in my opinion. I mean you’re literally judging a whole person’s character based on things they can’t control, their time and date of birth.
04 05,2021
Its been half a year and I come back to see all my favourite hoes from back in like November's accounts have been deleted (╯ರ ~ ರ)╯︵ ┻━┻
Like damn what'd y'all change your names to, I'm hella confuseddddd
04 05,2021
People of mango, how do u treat ur skin? What skincare products do u use? And I swear if someone says ‘I DonT HavE AnCe and DriNk WAteR’ gtf outta here

My Skin type: oily combination + ance prone

My list is really simple tho
- cleanser
- moisturizer
- sunscreen *if I go out

Repeat 2 times a day

Might as well drop the name of the product
04 05,2021
28 04,2021
lot of mean people so i want nice things ONLYYYYYYYYY
28 04,2021