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Bro I just realized you could talk to all the people you follow on time-line together and post pics and kinda make like a group chat?
26 02,2024
Nowadays I find a lot of characters giving off wlw/mlm vibes that I'M SURPRISED I didn't notice earlier. I'm really curious to know about yours
11 07,2021
yeah ill do anything for u doja anything u want
16 06,2021
So my guy best friend basically told me he is homophobic. I am a female bisexual who reads a shit ton of bl, and gl occasionally so I got no idea what to do.

Should I cut them off? He is my best friend but I don’t want to be friends with a homophobe
28 05,2021
14 05,2021
My friends are questioning my sexuality and I don’t wanna come out.....there nice and there all in LGBT+ community but I just don’t want to come out... how do I get out of the situation?.. ╥﹏╥
14 05,2021
Since I realised a while ago that I was a lesbian and didn't like guys, I cry every night because I don't think I will ever be happy being gay. I'm scared and well, this is the only place I can stay safe.

If u don't wanna answer, just recommend your sweetest and fluffiest GLs
01 05,2021
I realized that novel readers give spoilers to manga readers and manga readers give spoilers to anime watchers
05 03,2021
31 01,2021
So I was reading porn and listening to music
My mom came in (it's 12 and I'm supposed to be asleep at 9
Our conversation
Her) why are you up
Me) watching po... Pichu
Her) what
Me) lilipichu -switches tab- see
Her) oh
Good song btw
..don't ask why
31 01,2021
Haebom from CBAW. i think hes a bit childish. i cant pinpoint why i feel this way, i just do.
Perhaps its cus he literally looks the same since when he was 14 years old.
maybe its cus the fandom babies him alot. i think his character could be fleshed out more.

this is a genuine question, not an attack. i want your honest unbiased opinion on how mature he is, keeping in mind that he is 24 years old now.
31 01,2021
And I’m not talking “I was dating someone, but they were really close with their best friend and it made me jealous.”
I’M TALKING FOUR PEOPLE HAVE TOLD ME “I have feelings for / I love [insert their best friends name]” AND WE HAD TO BREAK UP.
Y^Y im done with this shit
31 01,2021
so eum we were in class i was talking with some friends about how a girl used me to test dating girls and that guy screamed that he loved me in the back of the class i went to tell him that i couldnt date him rn and guys from my class started laughing and saying " boi u didnt know shes bi and mostly attracted to girls ??? " " dude she was talking about her ex few sec ago XD " he turned red and run away the atmosphere in the class was weird and he didnt assist class for the rest of the day
he didnt come to class for a whole week i feel like its my fault and hes a nice guy so can yall give me some idea to make up my mistake or smt to tell him so hell come back pls
thx for reading it all <3 looking forward to ur answers ^^
22 01,2021
Okay ngl I'm probably a bit young to be on this website but I've seen so many discussions about fujoshis and yaoi. So I just want to ask some questions.
1.) Is it okay to read stuff here under the yaoi genre?
2.) Is it okay to read yaoi at all?
3.) Does yaoi fetishize gay relationships?
4.) Is it okay for me to read it if I'm not using it to fetishize gay relationships?
5.) Is it okay to read yaoi if I know yaoi and real life are two separate things?
6.) Why is calling yourself a fujoshi so controversial?
7.) Due to the controversial subject should I stay away from identifying as a fujoshi?

I'm not trolling I'm just curious and want to make sure I'm not offending anyone or doing anything wrong. Thanks for answering!
21 01,2021
So back in 2017 my elder brother(let's call him A) moved to another city to study & while parting ways with his best friend (let's call him S) , my brother's best friend told him "tell your future kids i love you more than your wife ever will" and bolted. My brother told me about it & I never stopped teasing him about it even tho I had the biggest crush on S myself. During lockdown A returned & spent a lot of time with S like the good old days , S continued with his teasing & flirting until A got overwhelmed & started questioning his sexuality. Finally S did a grand proposal (with crackers & shit) to ask A out & A went along with it cus according to him he 'saw the look in S's eyes & just couldn't say no & hoped to catch feelings on the way' . 2 days ago , A finally told the 3 golden words & today he came out to the world saying "Im 'S'sexual " lmao (it was cute tho) and I was like bruh I hate that you get to pound S's ass away I'm jealous~(I'm into pegging) & he was like "I'm the one being held tho??' and I was so shocked cus my brother has toxic masculinity and is 5'11 but super muscular & S is 6'1 but kinda lean ? Anyway they look super cute together. This question is posted here for y'all to comment F as my heart broke just a lil (I had it bad for S , he has the face of an angel)
21 01,2021
Why is every manga expected to be yaoi like I cant read a manga without the tags saying bromance,non bl,bl vibes it's so annoying
21 01,2021
Misogyny among straight men is common & they receive enough hate for it but gay men & trans men think they are entitled to do it? Y'all know right that after the LGBTQ+ community we're the ones who support you the most & the dudes y'all fawn over are homophobic in most cases? Saying stuff like "girls like her is the reason why I turned gay" / "I'm gay cus girls are annoying" is just straight up bullshit cus that's just denying the fact that people are born this way & can't 'turn' gay. And I 100% support trans men but could y'all please keep the insults & the long list of 'troubles' of being a girl to yourself cus we're living that life & very much proud of what we are.
PS: ofc I know 'not all gay/trans men' are like that, yeah .
Side note for people who learned the word fetish & won't shut up: I'm not one of those girls who worship gay men on a pedestal but those who do probably do it because they think they've finally found someone of the opposite sex who won't be friends with them just to get into their pants. They're not fetishizing you & have 0 interest in your sex life (mostly) .
21 01,2021
So i only recently came to terms with being bi and this is my first time having a crush on a girl. And boy is it painful. I need to get over it, please if you have any suggestions send them my way:D I can’t cut her off completely since we’re in the same friend group and me avoiding her even slightly makes things weird. I’d be totally okay if she just didn’t like me back and ignored me, but her being super friendly makes it a thousand times more painful lol. I don’t want to make her uncomfortable so telling her is out of question.
21 01,2021
im a bi girl ive dated women and men i did like them but when it came to physical relationship i couldnt bear it ... im more into emotional stuff and things got pretty akward in my relationships and girls thought i used them but same things with men i didnt like any physical contact i some times couldnt even bare kissing and stuff i just wanted to throw up some times so if someone can explain what is happening it would be really cool from them ...
20 01,2021
so like-sex.
um...i am so disgusted by myself that everytime I try to do something sexual i look in the mirror later and feel like vomiting. is this normal? like I can't talk to my brother bout this. or my parents. i fucking hate to say this, but yall are my last resort.
20 01,2021
ugh this is embarrasing
so i still havent fully accept the fact that i like girls as much as i like guys, maybe its my homophobic parents or just shame cos im pretty sure i like my best friend. ANYWAYS this might be long so sit your ass down and read biTcH hehe.
so when turned 11 i got my first phone ( i promise this will make sense soon) and i used youtube a lot , and i mean A LOT. so one day this boy in my class was talking about lesbians and i asked him what that was. i knew that boys could like boys but i didnt think that girls could like girls. he didnt tell me what it meant so when i got home i typed in "lesbian" and learnt that some girls only liked girls and not guys. and soon after i watched a yt video, i think it was called "my first time with another woman". it was only an animation but still... i was too young to actually fEeL things but for some reason i couldnt keep my eyes away. this happened for a long time, watching videos of girls kiss but nothing else. then when i was 12 i started masturbating. i thought of girls and boys, and my lame excuse was always " well if boys touch themselves then why cant i". also when i was twelve i got into kpop and started thinking more about boys than girls, for a while i kinda forgot you could like girls as well as guys. and i didnt even know you could like both. then when i was one year ago i fell for my best friend, i didnt even realise until a couple of weeks ago. i always thought it was just because i wanted to get to know her more but i honestly think i like her fr. but shes so het omg. we both like bts and anime and she'll always send me nsfw edits and stuff like that. but anw, im so fucking confused, is there something wrong with me, do i actually like girls or am i just tripping
17 09,2020