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24 04,2021
So I tried the Japanese Liquid Candy, and it tasted really good, 10/10.
24 04,2021
biocompound 24 04,2021
am I bisexual?? My mood changes so much, I'll be happy then suddenly mad then sad, do I need to see a doctor about this???
24 04,2021
I gave you the option to date and you left me on read smh.....
24 04,2021
24 04,2021
Me and your mom have been talking about your sinful ass and we'll be sending you to a conversion therapy to atone for your wrongdoings you sinful bitch

24 04,2021
24 04,2021
pineapple belongs on pizza
putting cereal then milk
global warming is real
mint and chocolate don't go together

these are very basic facts.....

I was going to find a common ground but you had to go and say you don't mind mint chocolate chip.... this is your fault......
24 04,2021
24 04,2021
Listen mfer this whole pineapple on pizza fight is growing out of control so how about this.

You like pineapple on pizza and i pour milk first before the cereal we both have our flaws that we cant control so lets make up and find common ground.
24 04,2021
HYÆCINTH 24 04,2021
what's a food you don't enjoy compared to others or a popular restaurant you never went

I don't like chocolates and Nutella.

I never had a McDonalds.
24 04,2021
04 02,2021
I can inhale with nose and exhale with my mouth in the same time.
04 02,2021
I know it’s dumb and I’m not trying to be the gatekeeper here, but I enjoy liking unpopular things. They make me feel comfortable, like I have a space for me in the world. When some of these things get popular it’s not that I start disliking them, but they lose their enchant to me. I won’t tell ppl “oh don’t listen to that” or stop showing them things, but sometimes I just want That Thing to be a me thing. I want to feel special some way.
04 02,2021