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is yall for real
02 11,2023
Anyways that was click bait

But I have a question remember those days we read bl 24/7 and said good things about ever single one-

Saying how good it was and how amazing they wereॱଳ

For ex: Painter of the night, my purrfect boss, titans bride, dear door, bj Alex, killing stalking, love is an illusion banana scandal, hosik’s story etc..

Tbh most of them werent even that good and amazing (っ'-')╮
Those were big time fujoshi times for me and for anybody else but lucky I stopped being one bc I was educated and learned unlike some ppl but what can I say its ur life not mine so who gives a fuck

Anyways just wanted to say that (˶• ֊ •˶)
(P.s if u actually enjoyed any of these bl I said I respect ur opinion but this is mine sorry Σ(°△°|||)︴)
06 05,2021
So i think i may have found titans bride 2.0

It only has 3 chapters but a lot of similarities
Ex: The uke (im saying it like that bc forgot his name)>>Teleporting to a different world that he dosn't belong in
Ex: The uke being taken care of by a prince and idk like 4x/5x/6x his size or smth like that
Ex: A lot of elfs, wolfs, different things of creatures that i saw in titan bride

And idk any more similarities just when i read this story out of curiosity it reminded me of titans bride

(PS. im not hating on that story just stating something )
(also give me your opinion on it)
27 04,2021
I just woke up in cold sweat after because I had a dream of Barron Trump, like I've been getting them quite often, please send help.
14 04,2021
Look through your "already read list'' and feel embarrassed or ashamed of what you've read in the past and actually liked it back then??

Cuz um same smh...Also some, most of them, of the things that are in my 'already read list' are from my friends and I feel embarrassed for them--

(p.s I have a shared acc :p)
14 04,2021
10 04,2021
ik the pic servers are having problems rn but is there anything i can do w/it? every story i try to read starts off fine but the last pages are just picture icons, so i cant finish them ╥﹏╥ refreshing doesnt help either :(
10 04,2021
yaoist 10 04,2021
anyone know where to find raws of lezhin comics (specifically pian pian and a man of virtue) in spanish???
10 04,2021
i dont want to sound heartless but when me and my sister found out we laughed for 20 minutes straight and just kept yelling weak bitch couldnt live for 3 more months (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
10 04,2021
yaoist 09 04,2021
i rlly want to read pian pian but i cant find it anywhere :(
can someone tell me ways to get free coins on lezhin?
(or where to read pian pian lmao)
09 04,2021
My account has like 3 owners so I didn't know....I'm the first owner of it -gab. And that was probably one of my friends who did it because I would never say that or post that bc I live in a Christian household and most of my friends know that.

I don't know how to provide proof but I was the one who made the ''Pls ppl are trying to cancel jesus''

But I would never say that. If I did know that my friend posted that I would've deleted right away but I don't know how...

The people I follow on this account are my friends ( well most of them) because I'm in a discord server with them and they know me well enough to know I would never post that

so please I know it may seem like I'm lying because I wouldn't believe me either

I'm really sorry for the inconvenience
09 04,2021
bakudeku shippers give me second hand embarrasment when they are trying to explain why they ship it i can almost laugh at how pitiful they look when they cant even back up their ship with cannon evidence

jesus christ i sounded alot different when typing that ( ̄∇ ̄")
09 04,2021
I just saw a Post about ''#CANCELJESUS'' umm like idk if its a troll or not
But even if it is or not the replies under the topic are Distusting.. everything happens for a reason and disrespecting an important part of people's religion is not cool or funny or qUiRKy you just sound like clowns.

Just cuz yall dont believe dosent mean you have to start a whole disrespectful hashtag about it.

Like tf I'm not even Christian and I find it really rude and um weird like...
09 04,2021
As I will say we should cancel jesus because he is a rasict mf. My reason? Well he let slavery last for more then 200 years. He says he loves all but doesn't like same sex relations smh. Also what has he done to us?

sheesh do I really need to remind you what happened in 2020?
And if I do go search it up I'm to lazy to write that ( ̄へ ̄)
Also and what is happening in 2021 so far...

If he did love all and wanted us to have better lives why is this happening? What was the point of him dying? And why do we all have tough lives?

Also jesus made stairs to go up to heaven and you really think my non-athletic ass is gonna climb does stairs? Nah bro I'm go join lil nas and slide that poll smh (︶︿︶)=凸

And yes we are canceling jesus now
09 04,2021
anyways I need your opinion on this bl
Pls read its only like 3 chapters
Also its nothing weird ok ( ̄∇ ̄") I sound sus but I promise its not

So please tell me your opinion on it
09 04,2021
doesn’t it sound so easy
22 02,2021
10 02,2021
There is so much drama on this site and I am just trying to sit here and hold me laughter in because people are full on bashing each other and really arguing on a illegal manga site .... also does anyone know who is kimiko because I keep hearing about them and I have no idea who they are
10 02,2021
so i mostly know about me being bi(like girls and guys) but the thought having
sex make me feel gross(and i don't have wanting sex feeling) and i'm thinking i might be ace and bi but people said i cant be both.but i keep daydreaming about a gf or bf.So i don't know if I'm bi or ace.Can i be both?

(I don't know that much about sexually and i'm kinda new to this being confused about my sexually sometimes i feel like i'm a outcast of the LGBT+
i'm sorry if i'm too clueless i'm 14 and dumb :/)
05 02,2021
04 02,2021
I know, im such a loser and I should have tried harder to be more social and kept ppl in contactI've lost friends for reasons (they moved or i listened to the wrong people) and my friends stopped talking to me (im a senior so never going back to real school to make new friends :( ) and guess what- im going to a community college and it is said its harder to make friends there so yeah im fucked and i'll never make new real friends again and wont get to hang out with people :,(( my teen years are WASTED
04 02,2021
Anyways that some clickbait or was it.....but whatever join my friends discord server

We have like 80 members...but like only 25 are online...but that isn’t the point, we are some horny funny ass ppl, we sometimes call be we are some shy mother truckers but we talk eventually, we have a pet slave (like who doesn’t), we totally don’t make up some messed up stories that are sometimes illegal (just take of the don’t)

we have the best taste in music we don’t listen to like “slowed down music that will make me want to get railed” nothing like that I promise, anyways what you waiting for join us and have a fun time in your life for once

Or else
02 02,2021
Anyways that’s was clickbait join my friends discord server

We need more ppl to talk to...we have a couple with a boar son, we have somewhat of a sugar momma, we have ppl who do pick-up lines, we have flirts, we have funny ass ppl and best of all we have BABY ZHONGLI (from genshin impact)

Anyways join or else | (• ◡•)|
29 01,2021