Pretty cool, but i miss my shinraxcelty pfp   reply
08 04,2021
it's lowkey cool that we're all matching ngl-   reply
08 04,2021
Yea ngl I kinda feel naked without it if that makes sense   reply
08 04,2021
It feels like I cant identify who's who
08 04,2021
so.... [Experience]
Undertaker~kun 27 01,2021
There is this insect in my room idk what it is but i hear it at night..and i kinda see a little dark mush on my walls..i fear it so i dont harm it..and ive been talking to it even though it can't hear at this point i aint doing anything till it dies...and give it a proper you could say it has helped me A LOT emotionally~ �......   1 reply
27 01,2021

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