When you're too close and invested in that relationship like most people are, it would be almost impossible to tell...   1 reply
01 07,2020
Its that toxic when you don't know what you were doing to the people surrounding you like when you know your friend have also have a close friends but that friend doesn't have time to talk to them because you always take her time and when you're having conversation with that friend and also with her close friends, you always not intentionally cut t......   reply
01 07,2020
I just recently had a toxic friend in school (she's a classmate) and she had a good image so at first I wanted to get close to her. Some time later she had a fight with her friends (who's kinda toxic as well) and she went near my seat and I was happy that I was able to get close to her. But then time passed and I get to know her true nature. She's ......   1 reply
01 07,2020
Yeah, I’ve had. My mom had a gut feeling that she was bad from the very beginning of our friendship and she turned out to be right. Idk if it’s like this with other people’s mothers but mine can sense very well when a person is bad and they are not worth it. I love her “ability” (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   reply
01 07,2020
>.> honestly. It took a long ass time for me to notice she was a toxic friend. You know that video about toxic friends on tik Tok. Mines were similar as in when she got a bf, all of a sudden she changes to a different person....before this. I didn’t really recognized the red flags. One of those cliche things like “oh you don’t see red flags w......   reply
01 07,2020
Idk if this counts as toxic but to one friend I was always the back up friend. She would always cancel our meet ups to go see her other friends, she would lie to her mom that she was coming to my house but went to her boyfriends etc. I felt really used. She later moved to another country. Haven't heard from her since. And I'm okay with that.   1 reply
01 07,2020
Not sure if this even counts, but I had this one friend who was Toxic AF. Anyway, he asked me not to tell anyone that we were friends because that would be "Too Embarrassing" for him. He also made snide comments on my appearance and my personality, saying things like "You'd be prettier if you wore makeup" or "If your eyes were smaller, they'd look ......   1 reply
01 07,2020
I use to have this childhood friend but she was so toxic. I known her for 6 years so I didnt want to break things up. She would make fun of my appearance, leave me out, and even spread rumors about me. She would invite everybody except me and tall about how fun it was in front of me on purposes. She always said how ugly I was and when I got anger s......   2 reply
01 07,2020
honestly toxic friends fuck up your confidence and self esteem a lot and the way it’s portrayed in fiction doesn’t even amount to how it feels like to be in that situation in real life (⌒▽⌒) i suppose people have different experiences with toxic friends and some can cut them off more easily than others but either way... toxic friends are ......   1 reply
01 07,2020
No they much worse. I had a toxic friend once n she would always try to tell me that she was better than me. If we went out she'd always shit on my appearance and try to give me "tips" on how to look better or she'd embarrass me and tell other people my secrets. Whenever I got awarded or praised for something she would instantly try to tear me down......   reply
01 07,2020

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