Texting Buddy? [Answer]
Rizu 14 11,2020
Hi i’m Liz. I’m 14 and have the same interests as you. Well I can’t memorize my discord since I have the memory of a goldfish, but if you want to chat my Instagram is Muromika_uwu and my tik tok is muromika, I’ll also try to put my discord in tomorrow. (=・ω・=)   1 reply
14 11,2020
I was in a bad mood so I opened insta to check on hakken but instead I saw my online friend posted a photo saying that they voted... For trump... Yeah I'm not talking to this btch again /they also said the n word before/   6 reply
04 11,2020
THEY ARE FUCKING VAMPIRES, but is was also my fault for being so blind ;-;... This went like beyond toxic, I had this friend that since we were kids she turned everyone againts me; reason: cause she could and that's all, and did a lot of hurtful things and even steal my toys, when the bitch was literally rich.... bruh. But then when we turned aro......   reply
11 10,2020
Had lots and still have some. People who called themselves my friends but only ever talk to me when they needed something from me, or 'friends' that would invite me to places only because they didn't have anybody else to go with. Or friends that talked badly about me behind my back. There's plenty, there are also those that said to me they were hap......   reply
18 07,2020
I had some. I have a very big group of friends back in highschool. They talk shit alot. They switches sides, or soentimes they would talk about me publicly (my brother who was passing by heard them) but you know waht, looking back i dont think they are that toxic. I think i became one of the toxic friends. I admtted it and left the group. But its g......   reply
18 07,2020
yeah once in high school. She started being bitchy towards me and our other best friend and always made us feel guilty when weren't there for her when she going thru stuff when in reality, we tried tried our best to help her in every way but she just ignored our help. Eventually, when we wanted to cut her off because it was mentally draining to be ......   reply
18 07,2020
i just got rid of a super toxic friend. they gaslighted and emotionally manipulated me and i didn’t even know it was happening because i kept making excuses up for them. they used me as a crutch even though i’m not mentally stable myself and would guilt trip me whenever i couldn’t be there due to my own mental health issues. they would want t......   reply
18 07,2020
Well, i have also a toxic friends. They are really hard to be with them because of their bad mindset and attitude. Then one time i realize that I'm exhausted to this cycle with my friends, so i decided to cut my connections with them. They also did many things bad to me like gossiping and make others think that i am a bad person, that is why i deci......   reply
18 07,2020
Honestly, they are worse. They will make themselves out to be the victim and then you are left second guessing whether you are the bad friend and feeling guilty while they use you for their personal gratification. I had one toxic bish for 14 years. I cut her off a few month back tho PHEW its been such a peaceful few months. I really cannot care les......   reply
18 07,2020
Copycat friend? [Answer]
rosie 18 07,2020
Just wanted to let you know that your feelings are completely valid. You are feeling this way because it is human nature to feel wronged when your entire identity and existence is stolen. No one wants to feel robbed of their identity, and you likely feel threatened by that. You're not a gigantic bitch, never call yourself that and demean yourself l......   reply
18 07,2020

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