Suffering rn [Answer]
16 10,2023
Hmmm do you mind telling me which app you guys use to talk? Also is it the chicks profile that has a heart next to her name? Either way at the end of the day the most important thing in a relationship is communication specially when you're feeling insecure about something. Worries like that will only fester and end up ruining the relationship if no......   reply
16 10,2023
Suffering rn [Answer]
toilet terrorist
16 10,2023
This aint his insta right? My girlfriend says she dont date dudes with insta cause they cause too much drama, maybe you should follow her advice.   2 reply
16 10,2023
Suffering rn [Answer]
16 10,2023
Honestly, ask about it and if he gets dismissive, or defensive call him out on it. if he doesn't give a straight answer and claims you don't trust him then something is def up.   reply
16 10,2023
Suffering rn [Answer]
alex ☠ 16 10,2023
either ask him or break up   reply
16 10,2023
Suffering rn [Question]
16 10,2023
I just woke up and checked my dms after a few days of being offline due to a cold. And I'm talking to my bf and then check his profile and see some chicks name with a <3 next to it. And I'm really suspicious about allat bc he ain't the type of dude to add ppls name like that, not even mine (now that I think about it, would that count as a red flag?)
My friends are all offline, prob sleeping and I really don't know what to do except ask randos on the internet.
We have been together since late February btw
16 10,2023
Dale <3
11 08,2023
Communication is key! Tell them how you feel honestly because if you don’t, it will backfire on you (speaking off a similar experience). It will hurt the other party but it’s better to be honest with them now to prevent hurt and pain when they fall deeper :)   reply
11 08,2023
Be honest, talk about it, communicate. The way to not be a piece of shit here is to be communicate.   reply
10 08,2023
Honestly, I say take your cake and eat it /j you should honestly just keep your distance, or tell them what you actually want.   reply
10 08,2023
The other party genuinely fell for me but I can’t feel anything but lust for them should I just stay away
Feel like I’m gonna become shitty ml from gaslighting angst manhwas
10 08,2023
is that girl he rejected was ur friend? can u still talk to her and tell her this? and u could've said "let me think about this" or "can u wait for my answer?" and so the person in question can wait until ur answer. and i agree relationshits are so hard to maintain and needlessly needed in human life.   1 reply
22 06,2021

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