Suffering rn [Answer]
16 10,2023
The first red flag was ur man having social media...Anyways u should bring it up in a conversation ig if he acts sus just run away   reply
16 10,2023
16 10,2023
Me (semé) x your fucking mom (use)
16 10,2023
Suffering rn [Answer]
16 10,2023
Just talk to them but make sure to do it face to face. It's easy to lie over the phone or through text messages. It's easy to catch a lie when you know the person well enough to know their tells from when they are lying. Also if they get defensive over it or make it seem like what you feeling isn't a big deal then that is also a sign that they may ......   reply
16 10,2023
Idk at this point [Question]
16 10,2023
Okay, so lemme make the situation more clear
My bf has a chicks name with a <3 , in his Instagram profile. I check who the girl is and it's one his girl bsf, which, I don't really mind bc I hang out with my girl bsfs as well.
I didn't really touch Instagram the past couple days because I was sick(I barely touch it in the first place), so I talked to my bf over the phone or text.
I did talk to him about this js now and he said it's nothing to worry about.
I'm fr thinking he is playing my ass atp bc this has happened to me twice and even if he is innocent, I don't wanna go through some emotional bs. Then again, I am probably overreacting over a small situation (I'm paranoid after almost everyone I dated cheated on me)
16 10,2023
Suffering rn [Answer]
16 10,2023
I hate to break it to you, but he's prolly cheating. It doesn't matter how long yall dated, men will always cheat. All power to you tho, just remember ur better than this   reply
16 10,2023
Suffering rn [Answer]
16 10,2023
yeah nah either that's a family member or his dead dog or he cheatin   reply
16 10,2023
Suffering rn [Answer]
16 10,2023
nah that’s crazy confront them and if they made that change in their bio recently then break up fr   reply
16 10,2023
Suffering rn [Answer]
16 10,2023
i think i need more info like what app, if it's insta i think that's already a red flag , hope u guys can work it out tho   reply
16 10,2023
Suffering rn [Answer]
16 10,2023
Ask him face to face, and look out for signs of deception or him making you feel bad for doubting/asking. Cheating is too easy women prefer to poach a taken guy and lying goes hand in hand with cheating jus kno that if you are ok with it once its green light for more   reply
16 10,2023
Suffering rn [Answer]
[DELETED] 16 10,2023
Hopefully I am sensitive to this correctly. Communication is key, when he wakes up. Talk to him, jand explain what you saw. Being stated, the humans gut is always trustworthy. Death   reply
16 10,2023

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