alex ☠ 16 10,2023
yeah yo ass is definetly getting cheated on im sorry   reply
16 10,2023
soup noodles
16 10,2023
if he’s dating you, why tf would he have his girl bsf on his bio? that’s a red flag right there, and you’re not overreacting, it’s completely valid, bc what he did is questionable. You should bluntly ask him about it.   reply
16 10,2023
gojospinkclit ♡ 16 10,2023
nahh thats a full on red flag dump his ass, thats some full on bullshit right there you have every right to be paranoid   reply
16 10,2023
16 10,2023
make ur bio a guys name wit a   reply
16 10,2023
16 10,2023
thats weird as fuck. throw him in a well or something   1 reply
16 10,2023
16 10,2023
as another man, why do you need a girl bsf and you said "one of his girl bsf", so he has many other like her that's a big ass red flag, he's not worth it, trust me   2 reply
16 10,2023
[DELETED] 16 10,2023
OOOO My fav yuri ship is Andrew Tate (my au!!!!!) X Donald Trump ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ it's so CUTEEE!!! And I'll never stop sharing the words. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶   1 reply
16 10,2023
16 10,2023
Nah thats the bitch he tell you not to worry about and you should worry about it...u aint overreacting   reply
16 10,2023
Suffering rn [Answer]
16 10,2023
I'll be honest, man without cheating is 1 out of 10, very rare. Even my father cheated once with his client and made my family suffer. take an action girls. you know best what you have to do. Before taking an action, talk carefully first. Because communication is a key, but it comes back to how you respond. Keep up the Spirit! And don't show y......   reply
16 10,2023
16 10,2023
Oh I promise ur def not overreacting that man knows exactly what he's doing. Ur fr better than me bruh I would've dumped his ass as soon as I saw that shit.   1 reply
16 10,2023

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