Disappointment To Your Parents

Week Check-in [Answer]
12 03,2021
70% Happy but empty (like i'm just a shell of a person who went to elope) I don't know Buying manga with my girlfriend School   reply
12 03,2021
Week Check-in [Answer]
12 03,2021
Tired but at the same time procrastinating   reply
12 03,2021
Week Check-in [Answer]
Forg 12 03,2021
Feelings: meh Cause: im just bored its nothing Reading of be on this website Typing   1 reply
12 03,2021
Week Check-in [Answer]
12 03,2021
chill- don't make me tell my whole ass life story rn by just asking how my week was ;-;   reply
12 03,2021
Week Check-in [Question]
12 03,2021
Hello! I did this for fun, so feel free to answer.
Drop your feelings this week like this-
Status: 1% | | | 100%
Feeling: Sad, lonely, empty, etc.
Cause: School, grades, friends, etc.
What will maybe make you feel better:
What are you doing rn?:
Optional: Picture of how u feel:
12 03,2021
Last year I had totally shit grades F's and D's everywhere bc of my teacher. Now we're in a pandemic, learning is even harder, but I have A's and B's for once. But a b isn't good enough ig- Apparently my mother thinks taking away everything and harshly threatening me will suddenly boost my grades :D   1 reply
12 03,2021
No matter how strict a parent might be, they can't threat you in that way for something trivial as grades. Grades are important, sure, but you can't be threatened over your life. No mention the fact that you already did what you did, which means you're already in a critical situation. If you have another parent, sibling, cousin, relative, teacher,......   2 reply
05 02,2021
I feel sad now , my dad was screaming at me and about to beat me up, i don't think that a b+ OR a 16 out of 20 is that bad considering i have an A like 18,5 in mathematics. he even told me that he would prefer me dying over me having such grades this ear i tried commiting suicide but the moment i drank the bleach i regreted it , i feel like he wants to erase my very essence , probably why i don't have any dreams , EVEN WITH RELATIVELY great grades , i am glad that this site exists even before creating my account i am glad to be part of the yaoi and fanfic fandom. I recently realised that i like girls and that my ed and depression are gtting better i want to tell him all of that.
05 02,2021
Ailux 02 02,2021
Sexuality is a spectrum. You don't need to label yourself in any way. If you like him, go ahead. I identify myself as heterosexual because I've always liked guys but there are a couple exceptions. It could be the same for you.   reply
02 02,2021
Freja 02 02,2021
Sexuality is a spectrum. Meaning that you could be 90% into girls and 10% into guys. And sometimes the numbers change. You don't have to put a label on it.   reply
02 02,2021

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