Played Genshin Impact N Cried

That story was dogshit or am I wrong? The characters were lacking, waddling around like sorry ducks for the final quest and some of them even before then. I would say Capitano is probably the most interesting, I will give them props for his death as it was pretty cool. The pacing is also pretty wild because why was more than 50% of the quest at parties? THERE WAS A DEADLY WAR JUST A FEW DAYS AGO! Like this on top of the colorism too like damn. It couldn't have been that hard to top Fontaine, no? Genshin is entering it's dark ages.
05 01,2025
its giving scammed [Experience]
09 06,2024
my HARD EARNED PRIMOGEMS fuck u genshin as an f2p player i actually spend time trying to get primos like i spend hours its not even funny atp i spend so much time on everything just to lose my 50/50 to diluc   1 reply
09 06,2024
i lost [Experience]
06 01,2024
was playing literally 3 days ago and im f2p with kinda lazy and laggy laptop experiance. i got furina and wanted to get her a good weapon right now shes using the three star sword harbinger of dawn. i feel bad for her so i wanted to get her main weapon ut i didnt get it in timme and i was only on like 20 pity so i save up and i see that mistsplitte......   1 reply
06 01,2024
shed some tears [Experience]
Norana 27 09,2023
Just lost my 50/50 to Diluc. I'm f2p so I probably won't be able to get Neuvillette this patch   1 reply
27 09,2023
Hello [Answer]
11 06,2021
not many suspicious things u can do with my uid so here. would be cool to co-op with u some time. 617993186   reply
11 06,2021
"Amber needs a buff" Mihoyo: creates another pyro bow user character   1 reply
07 06,2021
16 05,2021
i cried because of genshin, because i was unable to play that's why so now that you've heard of it, give me money   reply
16 05,2021
Hello [Answer]
Kyoshi ♡
16 05,2021
I also don't know, cause my wifi always acting up and it's laggy af whenever i play it :( also really wanna be friends with u but my Characters is all useless...   1 reply
16 05,2021
Hello [Question]
16 05,2021
hello yamyam here, i just wanna ask you guys if zhonglis banner ended because my little brother won't let me borrow my dads phone (i just borrow my parents phone cause i broke mine not long ago) so PLEASE tell me whether it ended or not cause i haven't rolled on it yet T-T

if your interested please tell me you uid so we can coop (i have no bad intentions i just wanna make friends :))
16 05,2021
Co-op [Experience]
Yang (。•ᴗ-)✧ 09 04,2021
I Co-oped with someone for the first time, I just accepted it cause I panicked , and they said that they wanna play with me again :) I LITERALLY DID NOTHING WTF, WHY TF Whoever potato was I love you   reply
09 04,2021

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