Y'all Opinion About Incest

Opinion about incest [Experience]
Lucub 23 06,2021
Both agree and disagree. In reality.. Well, incest is really really bad but I think incest is only bad because most of it was forced, raped and doesn't had a consensual that makes it a freakin' abuse and gives a trauma to the victim. The society always says that incest is bad so some of us were influence by it and when we saw someone having an ......   1 reply
23 06,2021
first of all, ur classmate shipping u with ur twin? fucked up. tell them that ur uncomfortable with it. second, nothings wrong with bein horny. its WRONG when u fuck ur own sibling and being constantly horny. u need help bruh. and comparing it to lgbt?? fucking seriously??? (map flashback)   reply
23 06,2021
23 06,2021
It's a means to display power over the weaker family member. As someone who knows the implications of incestuous abuse I can say that after years of it, you stop trusting any part of your family and start having more trust issues and become suicidal and may almost go insane. I personally have been clinically diagnosed with Major Depressive Disor......   reply
23 06,2021
Tbh, the reason idgaf is because it doesn't inconvenience me :) And I also don't support those negative shit about incest. But like, if they can't help but fall in love with each other and they're already capable responsible adults; add on to that they shouldn't try to conceive a child :D Then I don't see a problem. Do lighten me if there's missin......   1 reply
23 06,2021
I agree and I hope ur ok. incest should not be justified ever its just not right.   reply
23 06,2021
For real tho;;; As someone who has two brothers, incest makes me rlly uncomfortable so I avoid those kinds of comics so much ahgujyasabhgsu   reply
23 06,2021
I don't even know what to say man, we all know that is disgusting and i hope you're okay rn   reply
23 06,2021
Wow your classmates are horrible. I'd hate that too. I also have siblings and were a year apart so some mistake us for twins but if anyone did that to me I'd break their face quite literally.   reply
23 06,2021
umm first of all, do any of y’all who support or don’t care if someone is in a incest or twincest relationship with their family members even have siblings or know the word family love because I grew with my twin always getting shipped by my classmate and I hate it so much. He hates it too and I don’t know whats so funny about it. I can understand the part where they didn’t know we were sibling and thought we were dating but my classmate fucking knows that we are twins and makes me uncomfortable. But I understand what makes incest so wrong? I been researching and most incest in royals is because of there obsession in pure blood royals but nowadays, they are just horny. Nothing wrong with being horny but seriously. They mostly start at a young age or just became an adult. I see incest as part of grooming and to a story I seen, the brother taught his young 9 year old sister to kiss and do a blowjob. And not only does inbreeding can cause the kids to have disorders which make them have hard life because of their parents horniess. Incest can also cause the people themselves mental problems and most causes of incest is due to families problems.
I think incest is fucking ridiculous and dumb, and the people defending them are comparing it to lgbtq+. Hasn’t incest always been there and gays always been frown on till now? If I have any wrong info just tell me
23 06,2021
i love my brother but not like that   reply
21 06,2021

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