Phobias [Answer]
27 10,2023
Needles and flying bugs. Traumatic experiences w both   reply
27 10,2023
have u even seen the woman characters in straight smut manhwas???!!! shi is out of this world like a waist the size of my wirst and two watermelons for boobs i kno the author a virgin dweeb projecting his delulu fanasties   1 reply
27 10,2023
Phobias [Answer]
27 10,2023
Philophobia, the fear of love and relationships. I have no real connected reasons for it though. I do deal with a lot of self hate and feel undeserving of being loved, but also some of my past and unhealthy relationships I’ve seen might have played a part. I also can become paranoid if I think someone is getting too close and think “I have to s......   reply
27 10,2023
Men or women, foreplay is important during sex. Anal sex definitely needs more preparations though. Either ways, with smut, realism goes out the window. No matter if they are virgin or not, most of the time authors are more busy trying to make it as exaggerated as possible. Everyone has an asshole and I think most people have experienced bad shit d......   1 reply
27 10,2023
27 10,2023
Uh… why don’t you just do it yourself? It’s not a big deal. Just do it, unfriend them and block them if you have to. I can’t even see what you’re talking about. Is it really that bad that you had to make it public?   reply
27 10,2023
To be fair- maybe they are or they are women who haven’t educated themselves on sex or anal at least. Then again maybe some don’t care because a lot of Yaoi targets a female audience who most probably don’t know either. Everything is romanticized.   2 reply
27 10,2023
my first time with a dude, i thought my dick was gonna getting choked EVEN AFTER 5 MINS PREP and 3 pumps of lotion, i doubt bl authors know how real gay sex works   4 reply
27 10,2023
Lmao I think you're right. I even think this about straight smut sometimes. No foreplay - just shove it in, if you've ever had sex you'd know that would hurt. A lot of inexperienced virgins are going to end up with unrealistic expectations!   2 reply
27 10,2023
ive only ever seen douching and lubing heavily in bdsm manhwas (which is crazy cause ????? literally why just them), but like still literally like all of em, like the amount of prep u need before hand since majority of the time these losers r virgins is big bro. applying a finger of lube aint gon do shit looool. like I couldn't count with my finger......   2 reply
27 10,2023
This has been bugging me...
Every once in a while, I'm deep into a story then I can't take it seriously because the sex is so unrealistic. Maybe Yaoi writers don't know how male anatomy works or they're all virgins, who knows

For example, I hate when a ukes asshole is wetter than the Niagara, and its not event omegaverse. There is little moisture in an actual ass. Unless you plan on tearing your asshole and shitting everywhere, you need to douche, apply heavy lubricant, and say a little prayer. Its time consuming and I get why the self care part isn't included. But, at least use lube...
27 10,2023

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