31 05,2021
I wouldn't be mad if I never woke up or I crashed, burned, drowned, got hit. I guess I am already tired of life. I am not suicidal just accepting of my fate. ( ̄∇ ̄")   reply
31 05,2021
Phobias [Answer]
31 05,2021
not sure what it's called but fear of loud/sudden noises. one time I had a panic attack because a football hit a window all loud. didn't even know what a panic attack was   reply
31 05,2021
31 05,2021
31 05,2021
Tw: sewer slideee This isn't a secret but I've tried to kill myself over 6 times in one year. None of them worked, and I just ended up in the hospital on suicide watch, that's how I know so much about killing yourself. Who thought it would be this hard man, all I wanted to do was to end up 6ft under and god couldn't even grant me that   1 reply
31 05,2021
id rather keep it to myself lol   reply
31 05,2021
31 05,2021
I feel uncomfortable.   reply
31 05,2021
Phobias [Answer]
chottomattey 31 05,2021
I have fear of total darkness or blindness, I can't sleep with total darkness my eyes needs at some light. And whenever I'm already asleep I always woke when there's a blackout at night. I'm not really afraid of what's in the dark or what creature cause I don't really believe in those I'm just scared of being blind lol. Sometimes I'm also afraid to......   1 reply
31 05,2021
Me and my ex girlfriend at a party in the bathroom not my proudest moment we were kind of tipsy at the time wasn't that bad we were 18 or 17 i think   reply
31 05,2021
Casimir 31 05,2021
I am on this website - nah- I mean that is a secret but.... I got kidnapped once in like before I got to pre-k, I still remember it for some reason. I didn't know what was happening, so I just smiled, and I walked out and escaped without knowing. So like......I got kidnapped, me as a child who knew nothing just got dragged, and while the man was t......   1 reply
31 05,2021

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