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Woop Woop
30 07,2023
What are some villains you think were perfect from beginning to end? Like, so great that you felt anger when they lost?
30 07,2023
So what is the cutest picture you have character that you saw
26 06,2021
they always gotta put some illegal minor fucking in it
26 06,2021
to think this kind of people would pop in my news feed I'm speechless lmao
30 05,2021
Hi I'm looking for friends
My hobbies/interests include reading manga/manhwas, playing otome games, playing genshin impact, and watching anime. I'm a Leo rising and sun so I'm sure to give you a good time (and yk Leo women are fucking badass bitches). The age group for friends I'm looking for is 14-16 so if you are over or under sorry :( <3 I still love you though wqddhcbeufhv. I read bl and gl so you know your girl is cultured. I like cute things. I love fashion and style soft or goth or indie I'm into it all. Body positively stops Asian hate, BLM, feminism, for lgbtq+ rights, and equal rights and equal pay for women (don't think I missed anything 0.0). Marvel, Disney, star wars, and Dc I got you. I even went through a whole harry potter faze. I also LOVE miraculous. My favorite movie right now is Big fish. I got (real) cool samurai swords. Femboys <3 I'm intense will not hesitate to fight for you. Gots pretty good music taste mother mother, Miracle Musical, Chole Lilac, The neighborhood, and The garden are just some of the artists I listen to. Also single and bisexual wink wink. Super loyal I'm lonely and have no friends so I will devote my everything to you. I also have a cat named kenma.

Hit me up pew pew
Discord: c37_#5883
26 05,2021
I wanna read 26 05,2021
Just noticed how most of you hoes out there would simp for a bad boy/edgy guy, or straight out, a literal psychopath instead of a guy who treats his mother good, would treat you good, would buy you extra large fries with sundae and wouldn't end up murdering you. In short, I just wanna know why you fantasize and think that your relationship with- for example- dabi wouldn't end up being toxic af, thank you.
26 05,2021
3.If I were to make a research, my topic would be ___________________________ because ______________________
26 05,2021
I have a dumb statistics project that is due and I need at least 30 people answering it. It would mean a lot.
26 05,2021
I'll start, When I was 11-12 I remember going to McDonalds To buy food (Obviously) and y'all know how this ghetto people be crazy for food.
Anyways one of the customers jump over the McDonalds counter and started having an argument with one of the workers it got like really heated and For some reason the worker thought it would be a good idea to take the ice cream machine and started hitting the guy with it Anyways the police got called and the guy was bleeding like from head to toe and since that day the image is still stuck in my head and I got diagnosed with PTSD wbu all?
20 02,2021
The most messed up character that you simp for

Put them down in the comments and vote the ones you think is most messed up

Don't repeat any answers tho~
20 02,2021