Have A Shower Thought

04 01,2021
if first two people on earth were adam and eve, how did their kids have kids? would humans exist without incest? (i’m not trying to disrespect religions, i’m sorry if i sound like i am)   2 reply
04 01,2021
I wanna do sumn [Question]
DuckityDuck 04 01,2021
I remember that day before i went to school, my mom pinched me so hard that i bled out and needed to go to the nurses office the second i got to school because i pissed her off (for being on my phone all the fucking time. Well what do you expect me to do to keep sane? I can't even focus reading on a damn book) now i kinda wanna do it again... Caused by myself this time
Don't worry though! My family is completely fine! It just happened when she was really stressed so i don't blame her!
04 01,2021
You can also find articles online about the man flu. For simple sicknesses, men report more symptoms and they rate their pain higher comparatively to females And research gives two reasons -the female body is more resistant because it is meant to bear pregnancy, periods, etc - (According to what I read this is the most important reason:) girls ......   reply
04 01,2021
Well people think that the xy chromosomes are a mutation of xx and all men do start off as women after conception until they develop as men. So seemingly female is the default. Maybe that could be why women tend to handle diseases better (even Covid). Or it could be that women (because of internalized misogyny, fucked up messages from society, hiri......   reply
04 01,2021
I saw a video and the looked up on google and there's a bunch of scientific studies saying that when in a stressful situation such as poverty and unhealthy environments the pregnant body is more likely to produce a female. Also many mothers said that being pregnant of a boy is much harsher.

Just a thought but if you think on how many diseases are more dangerous and more likely to occur in men than women, and how the little lower demographic presence and life expectancy men have it'd come to the conclusion of men being a bit more "fragile" than women, in a sense of getting sick easier.

Also about the stressful situation thing, that would explain why rich people tend to have more sons than daughters.
04 01,2021

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