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So here's my problem READ IT! I think it was around the middle start of quarantine last year that i noticed a lump around my anal hole. Of course i ignored it, i thought it will eventually go away. I got nervous of course for a sec, but i forgot bout it.

And recently i noticed it again, and became really really nervous. Like "WHY THE HELL IS THIS STILL HERE!?" It didn't really became bigger nor smaller, it was just there!. It wasn't painful and it's not a hidnrance but it's extremely weird!!.

It's not rectal prolapse, i think? I mean Google says that rectal prolapse where like organs that comes out your butt or something, but this one is not an organ. I inspected it okay, it was a lump ARROUND the butthole. It was part of the skin going inside and the skin outside. I tried like massaging my hole and forcing it inside but it's no use.

I don't know what it is. AND I'M RELUCTANT TO GET IT INSPECTEEED BY A REAL DOCTOR CAUSE IT'S EMBARASSSING. Hey youuu tell me what to dooo ╥﹏╥
19 07,2021
So I'm so watching YouTube like I always do so that I think I want some ice cream so I go to fridge and get some ice cream I'm just eating it watching YouTube did I realize I got the whole tub of ice cream from old habits wow (/TДT)/
10 07,2021
this is really a simple question... I promise this time..



This is easy... pls answer

4)formulae: x/a+y/b=1
Change to form y=mx+c
3x+6y/18=1 to y=mx+c

I think everyone knows this
10 07,2021
Im so bored so I want to test your IQ level... If you get the question correct then I will answer yes on the reply post..

So here it is: I think it is just a simple question and everyone knows this:

Def add(x,y)
For i in range (x,y,4)
Outcome +=i
Return outcome
Print (add(4,19))

10 07,2021
I'm sorry for telling people to stop supporting this site, I thought it was the questions were anonymous okay. Stop bringing up everywhere I go pls.
23 01,2021
Why do people that make romantic movies or series think that its romantic when character stare at each other for unconfortable periods of time??? Its not??? It makes me loose interest in the romance and makes everything feel awkward af, please agree with meeeee ┗( T﹏T )┛
22 01,2021
My question got deleted and it wasn't even inappropriate
20 01,2021
20 01,2021
20 01,2021
I.... I like beans
Who else likes the
20 01,2021
Which of these yaoi tops should I draw?

Jiwon - BJ Alex
Seungho - POTN
Yohan - Sign
Or whatever one you want(I literally can't think of any more). Whichever answer has the most upvotes in the next two hours will have their choice drawn. Peace out

- Levi's Cleaning Rag
20 01,2021
Illumi's Simp
20 01,2021
Someone pls help me i have to write a 10-12 paged dystopian thingy and i have no creativity rn. Leave a prompt or smth and I'll figure something out
20 01,2021
20 01,2021
20 01,2021
I'll go first.Actually there's a lot but I don't want to say since I want to hear it from you guys
1.MC is always The Uke/Bottom like I have seen a lof BL and all of them got MC as uke
3.Nipple thing, collarbone thing.Like damn you Seme ,Uke just showed his nipple accidentally and you're getting horny tf. It's like "It's time to eat"
I'll leave the rest to you guys hdjdd I just wanna know
20 01,2021
tw rape:

to some up what happened:
1) woman has to go to hospital bc her boyfriend destroyed her cervix during sex
2) she starts crying but he continues and even calls her degrading names
3) she makes a video explaining what happened and defending him by saying that during the act she blanked out and couldn't say the safeword.
4) people in the comments were calling others "vanilla" for calling it rape. which it is.


i'll gladly be a vanilla prude idgaf. y'all can have that bdsm shit lol.
05 01,2021
I know we're all broke.

Now it's time for us to brainstorm ways to make money.

Can be legal or illegal.

We just need money.
05 01,2021
Provide pics please.
01 01,2021
01 01,2021
Please reccomend some to me. I've ran out of longish yaoi/bl to read and I really need some bc I'm about to go to a theme park for a 3 year old birthday party and I'm just gonna be sitting at a table on my phone the whole time.
01 01,2021