I dreamt that my sister committed suicide.... by hanging herself.... I got out of the room and told my mom to not look inside...... I don't even have bad dreams idk why I dreamt this.......   reply
01 05,2021
I saw mineta and bakugou kissing, almost died.   reply
01 05,2021
My Mom chasing me with her slipper cuz I lost my sister when I'm buying food   reply
01 05,2021
Uploaders [Answer]
01 05,2021
This isn't a new issue, but hard agree. Uploaders put so much unnecessary shit in their uploads and it's just not an appropriate place for that. If you wanna post memes make a meme account in Instagram or something. If you wanna talk to people make a Discord server or a Line group or, hell, DM people on here. Like, there's so many other ways of ......   1 reply
01 05,2021
Uploaders [Question]
M×G 01 05,2021
Let me start off with just saying this is my opinion, and I'm trying to make it as constructive as possible, and if you have a different opinion, that's okay. I'm just going to share mine. Feel free to leave yours as well, but keep it constructive. And this may be a bit long.

I kind of don't like the fact that you can see who uploaded it now. Because for some reason a lot of the stories that are newly updated that are sharing the names that are updated, has really social messages at the beginning of story. Not the normal, here's the translator, here's the warning because this chapter has something traumatizing, or just a silly meme. It's more of someone who's already on this site who's trying to be even more social and kind of... I don't know how to explain it, it makes me uncomfortable? It has the comments where it's no longer mainly based around people's opinions on the story, it's like thanking the uploader. Which there's no problem with thanking the uploader, but it's people interacting back with the uploader. And it's really not appreciated when I'm trying to look for conversation topics surrounding the story? Idk. And I'm not saying every uploader has been doing this. But it's people who've never really uploaded before that are doing it, and there may be some experienced people who are doing it as well it's just overall and uncomfortable for me. Because there's some stories that a team is working on, and then somebody comes out of left field and put out a really friendly start, and then upload the chapter regardless if they know someone else's in the middle of taking care of it. Or they don't understand that they're not supposed to update it at this current moment because, I don't know maybe something happened while the main person is uploading it and, they want to finish it but they can't because someone else just burst through the doors. And yes, people sniping uploads has been common on here before this update, but how do I describe this... I feel like before it was more, it's been a long time, and contact me if you were working on this so I know that you are actually intending to work on it. And it's only been a short time since its updates been out, I may just be weirdly paranoid and just a bitter picky person, but I just feel like it's happening more now, because it's happening with most of the things that are getting updated for my stories recently. What do y'all think, am I paranoid? Lmao

( just be very clear of any uploaders are reading this, I am not insulting you, and I appreciate your work, it's just me being weirdly picky. My opinion is only my opinion, so go ahead and go along with whatever you're doing if you find it not important. Don't take my words to Heart.)
01 05,2021
ಥ‿ಥ 08 01,2021
This was like a month ago, I dreamt about me inside an isolated room filled with fvckin dolls (I have a fear of dolls btw), it was dark and all I can see was the dolls, then I walked around noticing this one big creepy ass doll infront of me then it started strangling me, woke up screaming and gasping for air. Damn that shit really terrified me   reply
08 01,2021
Seeing an entity sitting on my bed watching me sleep. It was a frightening sight. It looke horrendous. Then, I couldn't move nor shout. It was like my body wouldn't respond to me, not even my voice. The entity slowly moved its face closer and closer to mine as my heart beat louder and louder. I really wanted to scream and run away, but my idiot b......   3 reply
07 01,2021
chucky was chasing me with a knife, i pissed myself then was brutally murdered (i actually ended up peeing the bed)   reply
07 01,2021
my boobs turned into potatoes and fell off. no like i was actually pretty terrified   reply
07 01,2021
07 01,2021
It was about me escaping a Mosque/Masjid. Just to let you know that I am a Muslim. It was a tall Mosque and it was like a game. I was given a white shining stick with a bow and arrow. Ive never learnt archery. And there was another person(I wouldnt say a person but a creature of some sort) which had the same stuff as me but it was a black shining o......   reply
07 01,2021

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