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So a couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post about writing one-shots upon request and posting them here on Mangago. Some others mentioned that they wanted to work on the project too, so I decided to open the project to the community :D

There are some roles we need fulfilled:

- Writers (1 or 2 more after me)
- Scriptwriters (2 or 3 after me)
- Artists (2 or 3 after a couple of people already recruited)
- Colorists (idk how many yet, we'll see depending on the number of artists)
- Typesetters (also idk yet)
- Editors (1 or 2)

To make the process easier, I made some Google Forms as a kind of "audition". Here are the forms for those of you interested:

Artists and Colorists -

Writers, Scriptwriters, and Editors -

There's no form for typesetters because I want typesetters to be people who are also artists or scriptwriters. Also, keep in mind that you can opt for multiple positions! You only need to submit each form once.

One last thing, please join this discord server if you are considering joining:

That's all! Thank you for reading, and I hope you consider joining us :D
03 06,2021
So I've noticed that there's a lot of hate and drama going on, especially surrounding Fruity Loops (who was terminated but she's back lol), racist/homophobic people on the site, and just people throwing shade and spreading toxicity in general

Also there are the cursed questions... the "am I the only one or did you guys also ***"... you know what I'm talking about


I'm considering writing short, pure and wholesome one-shots as per request and I'll just post them as experiences on the site! I'm a bit busy atm so I might start them once summer break rolls around... but I just want to know how many of you would be interested. They'll all be fluffy and smut-free and can act as eye-bleach for you if you see something troublesome

Honestly I feel like this place could be a really nice community if we just all be a bit nicer to each other... the environment is really toxic here rn (probably because so many people flocked over here from tiktok... oopsie) and I just want us to get along
20 05,2021
This was at school:
It was lunch time and we were supposed get our lunch
btw it was during gym
so this lady who was giving out the lunch
i think her name was ms p something or how im gonna call her ms period cuz she is moody af
so i was trying to get in line after finding out where tf the line is supposed to be and then she was fucking listing the shit that we're gonna eat today
and i obviously heard it as mumbling
and when it was my turn to get the lunch
i asked her what are we gonna have for lunch today
and then ms period fucking said "you hard of hearing"
like r u hearing this motherfucker right now
so then i said "i was down there trying to stand in a proper line staying 6 feet away from people"
and then she said "that's why i said you hard of hearing"
so then i said "well sorry"
bitch i should've said "last time i checked, nope"
so then obviously i took the lunch i wanted
and that's why i'm so pissed
but this bitch ain't gonna stop from getting lunch just cuz she said that
20 05,2021
i love u and ur racist ass sm

i love how u make up the excuse like 'i already did this before' cuz isnt that like a serial killer saying 'oh i already killed before so its fine'

anyways--- im dont want clout, i just want ur racist ass to stfu for once lmaoaoaoao. ur fucking 13, go suck on a pacifier for once, maybe then u'll shut up

like yuhhhh we just gonna ignore how u called me a ching chong even tho ur not asian- thats like if someone called kag the n word because of their pfp.

im glad ur uhhh trying to not use the r slur, but try to work on using racial slurs, yeah? lmaoaoao ur opinions are automatically invalid once u use slurs. but anyways---

since yall were condoning kag's and 's pfp, ig u can condone mine too, yuh yuh yuh? [this also applies to my pal chunni of the year, just u blocked me so---]

oh and for the people that are about to comment 'this is a manga site', shut up for once and go back to reading ur yaoi lmao. just because its a manga site, does that make it valid for fruity to use slurs? just because its a manga site, does that make it valid for fruity to be racist?

oh and for the people who r about to comment 'im here for the tea' or an overused tea meme, shut up too lmaoaoaoao. ur not funny, ur not entertaining, just plain annoying.

ja ne!
09 03,2021