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13 y/o having sex? I am actually worried about yall. Please wait till you are of legal age.
01 06,2021
Hey there, I am sleep deprived and I need to get this out of my head.

I have made a list of opinions, that are based on my own believes.

So what I want yall to do is to give me your opinion, respectfully plz, on it.


INSULTS ARE NOT WELCOMED. This is just to see other peoples mindset of the following ideas

- (the most touchy/critical one) The term gay (love for the same sex) and straight (love for the opposite sex) doesn't exist.

You will never be 100% something, you are just floating in a line where the endings are Gay or Straight and you, as a person tend to like someone more. All sexualities are in that line (even the asexual), the only things is that you will never be 100% gay or straight. You will have your inclination yes but wou will probably be 99.999999% one or the other and that 0.1% the opposite.

- The same goes to being femenine or masculine, you will never be 100% one of them. Just look at social media and see the portrayal and suffering of each term.

- Labels are constricting/limiting.

You are free to put one if you want but society should not make you put one if you don't like it or find yourself comfortable, and some labels aren't as open as they seem to be. This goes further away from identity, gender and/or sexuality.

- The educational system is TRASH. I have been in 4 countries and investigated another couple and it isn't effective. Their main goal is to make us, students, get all 100% just to enter university and have a good career (that you may like or not). Happiness? i don't know you.

- There is no political party nowadays that is true to its own values. And it seems that the newer generations have more insight on problems that should be fixed and never will be until someone with tiny bit of mind realizes and tries changing it.

After my own ideas lets put others I have seen on the internet.

- Marriage is a patriarchal tool that’s gaslit women into giving away their sexual agency and right to take up their own space. And if you don't wanna get married you should not be look down upon, still a long way to go but little by little we are getting there.

- There aren’t enough plants for everyone to switch to a plant-based diet. We can't all be vegan.

Even though this was a hard one to accept because I am halfish vegan. It is partly true.

- Choosing not to have children does not mean (applicable for all genders):
- You can’t have
- You don’t like them
- Other ideal you would have regarding this topic and would get

And a dumb one:

- Pizza is not that great.

I hope I haven't insulted anyone and if I have please tell me, but don't insult me. Also if I see there is a mayor demand of people telling me to get this down I will do it. But again this is some ideas I have and I would love to get your point of view.
27 12,2020