hell dayyyy [Answer]
kirstein's hoe 28 08,2023
pls i'm gonna have my first day of class in a couple of hours, it's already midnight and i can't sleep, worse thing is an annoying classmate of mine last year is also in my class this year   reply
28 08,2023
Mine started a while ago and I'll have 3 exams and 2 presentations starting from next week. Send help. Please   reply
28 08,2023
hell dayyyy [Answer]
hachi 28 08,2023
28 08,2023
hell dayyyy [Answer]
ilyozu 28 08,2023
my school is abt to start in 7 hours and I can't sleep because i feel like i'm too overstimulated to do so (not in a sexual sense ). "what if i woke up too late and missed the announcement" aaaAAAAAAAAAAAAA I shouldn't have read WataMote beforehand AGHHHHHLKKKkdjdjdj   1 reply
28 08,2023
hell dayyyy [Answer]
28 08,2023
helppp I have 2 more days, and I'm scared. I don't want to meet my classmates. I don't want to have exams. I don't want to deal with teachers. I don't want to do hw. I want to sleep!!!!!!   reply
28 08,2023
hell dayyyy [Answer]
28 08,2023
Gl soldier.   reply
28 08,2023
hell dayyyy [Answer]
28 08,2023
mine started last week and its been really great for me. being able to hang out with my friends are my highlights of the last few days. i'd say dont worry and try to enjoy the firat days of school cuz we'll be still months away from exams lol   reply
28 08,2023
hell dayyyy [Answer]
[黄] ₙ ₑ ₖ ₒ
28 08,2023
am i the only one excited for school   2 reply
28 08,2023
hell dayyyy [Answer]
kosmo.dewey 28 08,2023
I'm fucking dying   reply
28 08,2023
hell dayyyy [Question]
28 08,2023
school is tomorrow already send helppp
28 08,2023

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