is it just me?? [Answer]
mars 16 12,2020
sir clothing is made for ALL shapes and sizes, you just need to find clothing that will be perfect for your body. you can even manipulate with clothing if you wanted too. dw about what others say even if your a guy. clothing has no gender and you should feel free to wear, regardless of your gender. just go for it! wear what you wanna wear, why shou......   reply
16 12,2020
i need friends [Answer]
¿Broken chan?
16 12,2020
I would, but I don't have any popular social media. It's not cuz I'm not allowed to have it or anything, I'm just don't want that shit ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭. One of the reasons is so that future enemies won't find shit about me and they can't "expose" me bc I'm proud of my flaws and shit (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   1 reply
16 12,2020
i need friends [Question]
um idk
16 12,2020
can y’all add me on snap? aleenac_2005
16 12,2020
is it just me?? [Answer]
15 12,2020
Chile I look like noah neck wearing a tight toddler shirt its about to explode- hunny you can wear anything you like , be confident and live your life   reply
15 12,2020
is it just me?? [Answer]
Kiyuku 2 15 12,2020
Wear whatever you wanna wear. Fuck others It’s your life. Live however you wanna live.   reply
15 12,2020
is it just me?? [Answer]
15 12,2020
You can still look great in whatever clothes you like   reply
15 12,2020
is it just me?? [Question]
15 12,2020
i wanna wear clothes that i think look cute but the problem is, im fat and a guy
15 12,2020

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