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So I’ve been friends with this guy for a while now right. I thought he was really cool and couldn’t stop talking about him when I got to know him. Quite a few people thought I had a thing for him but I denied all accusations. In my mind it was just a new friendship hyper fixation thing. Then I really embedded the idea in my mind that I didn’t like him because I was pretty sure that my friend liked him and that would have gone against bro code. But now I’ve been broken up with my ex for awhile and my friends have been speculating that I like him. On Saturday they told me him and I looked like we could date. My heart keeps beating really fast and I get all blushy around him. I also found out my other friend doesn’t like him either. It’s like I want to ask him if he’d want to go out sometime, but I don’t want to put him on the spot. We already have a really good friendship and I don’t want to ruin that. I think I’ll just act more outwardly flirty and wait and see if he comes to me. Idk
09 10,2023
1 to a restaurant today in there was this girl so I seen her I think I developed a crush cause oh my god she was totally my type she literally looks like the main character from national school prince is actually a girl bullet black hair and cute glasses but I don't think she's into girls so kind of sad ╥﹏╥
10 05,2021
10 05,2021
10 05,2021
I can really like someone, like everytime my brain is free and even when its not I will think about the person. Or make sacrifices in my schedule to make sure I pump into them at school. And text them often.
But as soon as they tell me they like me back my brain is like hell no and I dont want to date them, like I can go from AHHH I LOVE YOU BUT IM TOO SCARED TO SAY ANYTHING to YOU LIKE ME AND THATS WEIRD THERE IS NO WAY YOU ACTUALLY LIKE ME WTF IM NEVER TALKING TO YOU AGAIN.
Is there a way for me to fix thisssss
08 02,2021
I need some good Bungou Stray Dogs related pics I can use as my wallpaper, I’m fine with anything since I pretty much like all characters. Also I really love Shin Soukoku so some good Akutagawa and Atsushi would be appreciated too.
08 02,2021
08 02,2021
bitches be like: "NOOOOO im not fetishizing mlm relationships" then asks for hot yaoi w a lot of smut
08 02,2021
Read the question.
08 02,2021
I'm afraid to ask you this
I'm afraid to ask you this
I'm afraid to ask you this
I'm afraid to ask you this
But will you
Commit arson with me
08 02,2021
Sadly I used to spam the copy and paste ybc lyrics in peoples comments on tiktok
I'm so sorry for my actions and I will never do it again
(I also had the spotify scan thing for the song on my phone case and I want to get rid of it as soon as I can)

08 02,2021