Want The Human Race To Die Off

should i sponsor a tinfoil hat?   reply
17 02,2024
someone just learned cuss words lmfao   1 reply
17 02,2024
Go back to 4chan   reply
17 02,2024
Are you joking? I mean complicating things is human nature   1 reply
17 02,2024
Bro why you so mad?   reply
17 02,2024
Yeah- let the sun explode and cleanse the parasite infested planet. No amount of good will fix the evil that has been done and is still being done. Don’t worry- it’ll end eventually. Though I don’t think I’ll be around to watch as everyone gets cooked and fried in their own skin. No more p*dos and r*pists- for sure. No more suffering. The ......   1 reply
17 02,2024
I had this one girl in my class in fifth grade, and her dad owned a resort. I was only friends with her because she said she will take me there, buut she changed schools the next year. I used to get annoyed by this one guy in 8th grade, but I didn't yell or anything because he was a special needs student. But his stories of the most absurd things ......   reply
09 10,2023
when i was in 5th grade, i bullied this girl in my class it was not physical bullying but still was very nasty. i still feel guilty about it to this day. but we're good, got everything settled and we're great friends now~   reply
09 10,2023
I screamed at my best friend, something like “NO SHIT,” for alerting me my makeup was running while I was crying. She’s a sensitive person and I feel really bad about it.   reply
09 10,2023
I'm just glad that mangago removed the shota genre.   1 reply
19 07,2023

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