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23 07,2021
ALL FUJOS WILL DIE ALSO SJW'S (if you don't know what i t mans look it up you dumbass) SJW'S SHOULD JUMP IN FRONT OF A CARRRRRR haaaaaahhha!!1! NIGGAA3s
23 07,2021
alght so I've watched it some months ago in that 140-240p quality version, but i still loved it really much and now I found the HD version - and I'm so excited to re-watch it. I'm not a big fan of the story itself, but the animation is fantastic so I don't even care. I did enough while reading the manga, now ima just enjoy the anime; its music and animation.

But somehow I found it just now when I have school in just a few hours and I didn't sleep at all.. I hate it here..
03 05,2021
Friend/not friends/just someone you know.
Something you been wanting to say.

U can just ignore my vent,i hate my friends,i dont even think we are,they treat me like an extra luggage,im the extra friend that people talk to when their bestfriend didnt come to school and got ignored the next day.I tried my best but at this point i'd rather be alone.
02 05,2021
to be nice to each other!! even if they don't like pineapple pizza and sent a hitman to your house......
24 04,2021
Kidnapped by a psychopath

He asks you to play a game

If you refuse, He'll do serial killer stuff on you... and torture...and stuff

You are to choose between two rooms

The door to both rooms are allowed to be opened a tiny crack so that you can see what's inside

When you open the first room, you see a sign saying 'DO NOT LOOK' in red, bold letters in the middle of the white room

When you open the second room, you hear murmurs, whispers and moans saying, 'Hide now', 'Help me' and 'Curses, curses'

Which room do you go into to save yourself?
07 03,2021
Istg when i was young I whould think they got kidnapped or murdered
07 03,2021
You're alone at home

Two people enter your home

You hear them plotting somthing...

You hear one of them say, ' Whatever happens don't kill them'

A few hours earlier, you saw a report on TV saying there was an Illegal Organ Donating Mafia thing... incident???

the odds are in your favour, since they won't kill you and you know your house like the back of your hand

You get to choose a few things you see around your house to defend yourself

Don't forget your phone-

What are your weapons?

Remember: You only get to choose things that are actually in your house and are easily accessible

Gud luck!
07 03,2021
Hibernation isn’t sleeping for 4 straight months...
07 03,2021
I was today years old when I was I realize that if you click the owe on the mangago sign. The little animated character moves and changes faces!
07 03,2021
It was a long time ago. My friend and I, with one other friend were chatting and thank god the mic was on. My friend and her mum argued and we could hear it all. I was in it too. Scared that I’m on bad terms with my friends mum. Cant get over it. I cant even look or visit my friends mom without hiding behind someone. I also wanna get over of my friend randomly vanishing without telling me in the middle of us doing something digitally when we cant see or hear eachother. Im afraid that her (my friends) mom would argue with us again and my friend would get hurt. (No matter who it is) Its like, “please don’t disappear without telling me, it makes me scared.” Type of thing. Google doesnt help so I need to hear what you guys have to say.
07 03,2021
So i was reading a fanfic at ao3 WHILE AT OUR ZOOM CLASS (heres the link to the fanfic )
07 03,2021
I installed it and the logo looks like from a launchpad app, it aint the green one, is it the same as urs? Ik this is a useless question but the changed logo be bothering me
07 03,2021
Everybody knows monsters can't get you when your under the sheets...
07 03,2021
So I just have a few questions for all the boys on this site:
What do you think of all the yaoi this site is infested with?
Have you ever clicked one out of curiosity?

Unrelated questions that I will never have the courage to ask a boy irl:
What do you think of pubes on a girl? Like does it really appeal to you more if a girl is like totally bald? Genuinely curious.
Do thick thighs really save lives? Or would you prefer a girl with skinny/lean legs?
Are you a girl pretending to be a boy and answering these questions?

Thank you in advance for answering.
07 03,2021
What is the reason? Why do you hate them?
07 03,2021
I’m srry in advance
Ahh yes we love squeezing.
Ik ima regret posting this.
But while I don’t, here’s a cookie have good day, I love ya babes, boos, and theys
07 12,2020
in spain but the s is silent

do yall ever figure out yall have been through a certain trauma and it doesnt feel like you have? like im still trying to process i was sexually assaulted when i was like, 7. by my own family member too lol

and I've been disgusted with myself literally 24/7 and i can barely think about anything else hehe

anyway drop your fav romance bls or I'll snatch your teeth out
07 12,2020