A Kink U Didn't Know U Have

my current boyfriend first meeting ever >he wore a suite< ARGHHHH ISTG I WANTED TO EAT HIM UP AT THE TRAIN STATION no i mean it totally mean it and btw since we first met i want to have his children it’s horrible i feel like an animal omg i also just remembered this one time i think i was 16 and i was on a birthday and we all were drinking......   reply
22 days
@imAbutthole [Answer]
Vee 25 days
25 days
TALK TO ME   reply
25 days
@imAbutthole [Answer]
20 09,2023
I just know the artist made good money.   reply
20 09,2023
@imAbutthole [Answer]
20 09,2023
...   reply
20 09,2023
@imAbutthole [Answer]
mec 20 09,2023
I hope this persons mother sees what they posted   reply
20 09,2023
04 08,2023
That on the anime whenever their underwear or any cloth near their crotch got pull upward and they'll like moan and find pleasure in it, I was like "how did that even effect them?????" And here I am today :") *sigh* ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ   reply
04 08,2023
lmao just say hes your long lost imaginary friend   2 reply
04 08,2023
well it's happening rn my boyfriend is hiding under my bed and can't go outside cause of my fucking parents
04 08,2023
@imAbutthole [Answer]
Elena 22 07,2021
nah m8 u have sum issues. this shit was like bnp, my curiosity wouldnt let me click away   reply
22 07,2021

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