Not Having A Boyfriend

I hope it's not. By the way I'm 25 and I've never been in a relationship. Cheers   4 reply
15 09,2017
I know equal amount of "pretty"+awesome people who are in their 20s and have been alone all their life and "ugly"+garbage personality type that SOMEHOW get bf/gf try not to analize it too much, just don't think unrealistically low of yourself, do what you're interested in and the right person will show up some day...nothing weird a......   reply
17 08,2017
There's nothing wrong with you. Everyone is different and surprise, you don't need a lover to be happy. YOUR WORTH IS NOT DICTATED BY HOW ROMANTICALLY OR SEXUALLY APPEALING YOU ARE NOR BY HOW MUCH ROMANTIC OR SEXUAL EXPERIENCE YOU HAVE. YOU CAN LIVE A FULFILLING LIFE WITHOUT A ROMANTIC OR SEXUAL PARTNER. I'm 26 and have never been kissed and ha......   2 reply
16 08,2017
Don't worry! Just enjoy your life to the fullest. I'm the same as you and I'm 28 years old. Don't pull yourself down.   2 reply
16 08,2017
Don't worry buddy, I'm the same! I'm 20 and I've never felt anything looking like love so a boyfriend and things like that, even more far away   reply
16 08,2017
Nah it's pretty normal don't worry but it's not so common   reply
16 08,2017
To be honest, I don't think love is the way to feel better in life. I had some girlfriends (yes in the lesbian kind of way). I feel like a piece of shit too. It's normal and it's the way life is at times. But to answer you. No, I think you are pretty normal. Since the life changes and there is nothing fun to have a boyfriend or girlfriend just beca......   reply
16 08,2017
I think it's pretty normal. The kids who are in high school (Which I am in so I understand) or under tend to rush into relationships because everyone else is in one or don't really KNOW what a relationship actually entails and what it means to be in one. So if you're using them as a comparison then I suggest you stop; they aren't a valid representa......   reply
16 08,2017
anything from harada is usually good. My personal favorite is yoru to asa no uta and color recipe. Some of her works are a bit twisted like her gintama doujinshi but they are great   2 reply
16 08,2017
I'm 24 and haven't had a "real" boyfriend. When I say that i mean one where there was feelings and everything that went there. I had a "boyfriend" in like middle school but all we did was hold hands and were together like....2 weeks? then i broke it off. And idk about how "ugly" you think you are but i'm pretty sure that's not the reason. Looks an......   reply
16 08,2017

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