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So yeah..

Me and mah homies were chilling out one particular evening. When suddenly a certain person which I would choose to call
Homie A decided that It would be a great time to make a joke.
And the joke went like:

MahHomie A
" You know what? Everyone has chins but since you have double chin might as well call it chinchin."

MahHomie C

MahHomie D
"You high?"

MahHomie B
"This is why your homies don't let you sleep late"

MahHomie E

And u know what? I was homie A.

It was a good joke tho... (T^T)
17 12,2020
Came across this on some Chinese website and had to share:

Girl: Who’s your crush?
Guy: Someone in the class. Guess.
The girl guessed every other girl in the class.
Guy: None of them are right.
Girl: …
The girl blushed and turned her head the other direction.
The guy smiled.
Guy: You haven’t guessed the boys yet.

If you have anything funny or cute, please share. XD
I don't recall seeing any like these on anglosphere websites??
22 07,2017