Have Hilarious Thoughts

nah i just chuckle, but sometimes i burst out laughing and cant stop then laugh again when i try to explain it   reply
06 07,2021
i chuckle a lot cuz my thoughts cant stfu n then my mom suddenly took me to the mental hospital, but ding dong surprised mf i really have some mental illness but she wont let me get a treatment, so yea... how to turn tables...   1 reply
06 07,2021
Yeah.. specially when it happens at a funeral   reply
06 07,2021
stopping myself from laughing.   reply
06 07,2021
i laugh out loud and handle the weird looks cuz.. yall are gonna forget abt me in a second why should i be worried about my image?   reply
06 07,2021
i guess, yea   reply
10 04,2021
because it's common knowledge that most stuff is ripped straight outta mdex, right? Some others from btt. Sorry I just find it kinda of funny lol Illegally shared manhwas with official translations might still get through just fine tho :P
10 04,2021
So I live with my family and this bug company comes to spray to keep bugs away right. Terminaters or something. Anyway so my mom had to drop my brother off at school and left me alone to deal with the Terminater guy. I had to lead him around our house so he could spray now having extreme social anxiety I didn’t want to deal with human interaction......   1 reply
10 03,2021
Lord Days [Answer]
06 02,2021
LMAO thank you, i feel special :) we should have a day for you too   reply
06 02,2021

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