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11 days
so basically i like a kid in my french class and im not really pursuing him cus he eats his boogers (ngl i did when i was younger but as a high-schooler?) and supports trump (im black. you see the dilemma) and i was made aware that a kid in my bio class has the smallest tiniest damn near non existent crush on me (my brother told DK how he knows) so should i try to pursue my current crush or wait to see if other guy starts liking me more..?
11 days
okay cant call it questionable since we all on a gay porn illegal website rn. but there used to be this one lowkey porny-ish video on youtube, (age-restricted on there at the time) and like, i may be wrong but i think it was the mob psycho 100 characters? because i recognise the guy w the bowl cut and the dead-but-not-dead-but-rather-simple-looking-eyes dude, shigeo i think his name was and some blondie which was the blondie in the anime.

its based in the work place and i recall blondie having to wear some blind fold and like he goes up to bowlcut dude, (bowl cut is sittin) and then bowl cuts legs lowk spreaded so, a man spread, and blondie like stands btwn them and i think bowl cut gives blondie a rub??

it was hella hot i cant lie and i was jst thinkin of it but nothing comes to mind so whats better than asking you wonderful brainrotted people with extraordinary minds who probably know what im talking abt, ha. ha. ha.

also it may not be the characters from mob psycho, im just sayin it looked a hell lot like them. i initially saw it on tiktok which then led me to see it ok YouTube ages ago, not sure if there was audio but 69% of me does believe so. THANK YOU!
05 08,2024
04 08,2024
04 08,2024
Okane kasegu,orera wa sutaa
Okane kasegu,watashi wa sutaa
Sutaa, sutaa, sutaa, sutaa, kira kira
Watashi wa sutaa
25 07,2024
For me it's "But maybe when you tell your friends you can tell them what you saw in me and not the way I am"

Feel free to rant, let this be a space for you.
29 06,2024
See I have 2 really great friends and let’s call one “a”and one “n” (who are both girls like me and unlike me they are very homophobic so before you get the wrong idea no they do not have feelings for me) who are low key very jealous when I bring up one of them to each other in a conversation and I know it’s not because they hate each other And it’s definitely not because they don’t have friends bc they have A lot of friends even more than me and they literally only met 2 times and both of the times I was with them so I know nothing bad happen between them and they don’t even talk over phone but “a” always gets quiet and acts awkward when I bring up “n” in conversations and usually just goes “oh great” or “oh cool” and usually hurries up to bring up her other friends especially her best friend like to make me jealous or something? And same goes for “n” and when I talked to “n” today and randomly brought up a conversation I had with “a” because I thought it was funny said “oh you still talk to her” in a kinda jealous and annoyed Voice ? And some more incidents but I don’t wanna talk about all of it because this is already getting too long but like it is normal between friends or maybe I’m just imagining things and I’m looking too much into things? like i don’t really care but it’s getting kind of annoying not being able to bring up funny things that happened in the conversations I had with one another because it always gets awkward like low key at first I thought it was kinda funny and cute (in a friend way) but now idk
26 06,2024
Kim 26 06,2024
He don't wanna be saved, don't save him (Save him)
That is not my nigga, don't claim him (Yeah)
'Bout twenty missed calls, he faded (Yeah, yeah)
White boy wasted, Channing Tatum (Huh, Channing Tatum)
I don't wanna be saved, don't save me (Don't save me)
You for everybody, nigga, don't claim me (Don't claim me
26 06,2024
I also did research but i need yours recc too. I keep asking for recc but i swear i read all your recc slowly. I appreciate your effort ty

Likeable mc not annoying mc idc if hes physically weak but pls not too stupid too.
06 08,2023
I love the villainess genre, but it's gotten to the point where every story feels like they're copying each other. Like a isekai villainess is such a cool concept and has so much potential for different storylines. It's sad to see every story follow a similar route. if you guys have any interesting isekai recs please tell me I'm so bored of reading the same thing(I like comedy btw)
29 07,2023
newjeans definitely brought me back into kpop when i was getting bored of it. attention was so good.
28 07,2023
What do you think of it? Is it better than her last album. Why is the pop music scene so bare? Why did Morgan Wallen hold the top billboard spot for so long? What's wrong with this year?
27 07,2023
Hey Billy
Hey what
Are you ready
For what
To pop
Pop what
Pop sou koo!

My hands are high, my feet are low, and this is how I pop sou koo
His hands are high, his feet are low, and this is how he pop sou koos
09 07,2021
But now there's nooooowhere to hide, since you pushed my love asiideeee I'm ouuuut of my head, hopelessly devoted tooo yoouuu~~
08 07,2021
Sharawt to mah hommies gonna keeping it real dont chu cry over no spill melk
08 07,2021
Ideas forming out of thin air
These indulgences none can compare
So many flavors that one would abhor
Even though I've had enough
I still demand
Give me more
I need a whole personality
Something inordinately sweet
Order anything you'd like
Nothing's changing my mind
I don't care how unhealty it is
'Cus there isn't anything I'd rather be
Call me obsequious
I guess I'm a bit dramatic
Sometimes my appetite is eerily erratic
Give me your dire expectations
And I'll consume perfection
You are what you eat, after all
Everything combines into one
So many flavors that one would abhor
And I know I've had enough
I've gone too far
Now that I've become a full-course identity
Take a bite of me
I hope that I've become a favorable delicacy
That I'm worth something
I'll eat 'em all the thoughts of anyone I'll ever meet
Just to make them happy
Wondering why I'm a burden or so it seems
Aren't I everything?
Maybe if I try a little harder, it will be okay one day
Keep on eating more and more
Divide my life away into servings
And go beyond the point of no return
I know I'm subservient but all of this is necessary
Sometimes my appetite is violently contrary
Irreconcilable perceptions
Appeal to my obsessions the nausea is overwhelming
Whether I've been caramelized or rotten to the core
Which one should I be?
'Cuz I dunno who I'm supposed to be anymore
And it's sickening
I'll overeat the implications of your thoughts
Just to make you happy
Nonetheless, I feel my insides are tied to knots
Aren't I more than everything?
I'm a recipe for entropy
I'm too overwhelming
Give me your validation
I can taste your apprehension
These flavors of personality
Are hindering my likeability
My impulsive desire
My appetite has spoiled my urge to satisfy
Everyone will like me more without it
Everyone will like me more without it
Now that I've become the perfect identity
Take a bite of me
I hope that I've become a flavorless delicacy
That I'm good enough
And now that I've become the perfect identity
What else do you need?
'Cus I dunno who I'm supposed to be anymore
And I'm starving
I'll purge 'em all the thoughts of anyone I'll ever meet
Why aren't you happy?!
Nonetheless, I know my insides are empty
Aren't I more than everything?
29 06,2021
29 06,2021
I hide, I hide in iodine words
It's something inexplicable
It's something unaccountable
I cry, I cry when anything hurts
Vexatious, my amygdala
That I can't do a thing about
The tricks and trivials of
Every twenty four
Maybe you could tone it down
A little more
And I, and I dunno
Oh, all I ever knew before
Were clusters of holes
An eye for an eye
That's how the game works
I'm losing my autonomy
A mutilated part of me
And I defy the way the game works
Between you and me
It's only getting worse
From the mouth
Of a cauterized rag doll
Supplications to leave him alone
From the mouth
Of the cauterized rag doll
Throw the nails away
And leave him alone
I don't know
Where the thoughts are coming from
Pull my strings
And swallow ichor
Fire burns
And the rags are torn apart
I can't inhale anymore
'Cuz all I've ever known are holes
Today something changed
I figured it's true
The frontal lobe placed me
Behind my own strings
'Cuz I, defy, the way the game works
I'll say it again
I'm only getting worse
The dull assumptions
That I've tasted decency
Waiting for the embers
To lose their glow
And I and I dunno
Oh, all I've ever seen before
Were clusters of holes
Waiting for the world to burn
Waiting for the holes to close now
Waiting for the world to burn
Waiting for the holes to close now
I can't see
The holes in my memories
The fire and I, alone again
The guilt and I, alone again
Say we take what had been torn apart
Say we mend any patchwork discord
Turning eyes to the Trypo-Puppeteer
I can't exhale anymore
So, one, two, three
And we'll tie the tourniquet
Pull my skin and swallow ichor
Fire burns
And the rags are torn apart
I can't inhale anymore
Day by day and day after day
I'm causing trouble anyway
Pull the fire alarm
I never meant any harm
Never meant any harm
Well, say my limbs are torn apart
And all the stuffing falls out
Let the toy wind down
It should've never been wound
I never meant any harm
Say we take what had been torn apart
Say we mend any patchwork discord
Turning eyes to the Trypo-Puppeteer
Waiting for the world to burn
So, one, two, three
And we'll tie the tourniquet
Larvae eating away at everything
Word goes 'round
I'm the Trypo-Puppeteer
Laugh along, I'm spreading holes
Now I know
This has always been my fault
And I can't inhale anymore
29 06,2021
Y’all tryna eat , eat , eat
I’m tryna feast , feast , feast, feast
Y’all tryna eat , eat , eat, eat
I’m tryna feast , feast, feast, feast
F^ck with me when I’m nice , see what you get when I’m untamed
In reality or on tape I’m the same
Cherry got the Midas touch
I keep that range rover for my mama
Roger that, my mama told me
Don’t you cry over no spilled milk
Vitamin Yummy88 China Mac kids meal
Shout out to the homies that be keeping it real
25 06,2021
tiredbar 25 06,2021
take on me or take me on?
25 06,2021
I mean, the lack of proper bl anime's with actual plot ok? I can count most good bl anime's or lowkey shounen ai on my fingers on both hands lol. Banana fish, No 6, Yuri on Ice, Given, Owari no seraph(?) and the rest are fine... but why cant we have them more? also, do any of u have more to add to that list?
25 06,2021