06 02,2025
I ran away from home with intention to die, but was stopped by my friend there and their mother. The reason was simple, I can't stand being home all the day( never let me leave outside , even a bit walking)it's just home to college and college to home. Overall the classmates at there are all rude to me (I don't know what I did to them and no one is acting like friends but foes) and in home I can't stay here , my sibling jealousy and my father is a psycho and my mother is someone I can't really be with( she got mood swings and very sad life). my sibling keep reminding studying is the only reason my parents tolerance my existence and my wishes, my mother cries if i fail in my final exam and my father is not satisfied and keep reminding me to not to be like my siblings and waste the money( the pressure is not something I can't handle like everyone). So i decided I can't stand being in home, so i took the train and went to my friend place which is very far away and i thought of kms after meeting her one last time but my friend made me go to her home and then the mother convinced me to talk to my parents in phone that I am arrived here , i never excepted to hear the panic sound of my parents, i thought they should be yelling and cursing at me but it's not.( Well i guess i shouldn't have imagined them changing just because of that , I mean I got fooled so many times like that.)So after I went with my parents to home( the whole ride was silent) then they started asking me why i did it , I told them the truth and they tell me "that's it"? My sibling is very mad and said I did this all on purpose for other reasons and my mother and father are now concerned about what others are thinking and telling me that i created even more problems for them , they didn't even say anything sorry, but they kept telling me that they were worried and had to humiliate themselves to outside people, my mother say she should be the one to go not me, that i didn't think of them once ( i did ), my sibling keep comparing me that I don't have any problems like him and I am pathetic, sibling say that I am very lucky that I got everything sibling wanted (even tho I never wanted those things ) . In the end i can't escape and made the situation wrose. Now I have to live with this guilt forever.( I said sorry to them and I said I will never do it again)Thanks for everyone that made it this far to read this lol. I don't know what to do now. Maybe I shouldn't have thought this type of shit worked with my parents to be stable but it's the country of World most population and i should have excepted, that they care more about reputation then me. Well thanks
06 02,2025
I’m curious what your guys controversial opinions are about the manhwa or anime community :)
16 06,2021
!!!!! one thats abit obscure or underrated cause ive watched a bit of the popular ones
02 05,2021
I'm the type who is a 'fiction is fiction' reader. Like I don't care how fucked up the story or the relationship or what not it has never once bothered me (ie shotacon, rape, assault, gore, toxic romance....mind fck)....and no let us be clear I have never once in my entire life have ever thought of wanting to do/experience those fcked up shit I read so please don't start in here, keep it classy okay? :)
As long as I don't hate the characters, I like the story, the plot isn't super badly written (like a really convoluted plot line that doesn't even make any sense or tons of unnecessary drama of misunderstanding) regardless of whatever it was about I just consume it and move on to the next.
What types do you tolerate? What can't you? What stories got past those tolerance, if any?
As long as I don't hate the characters, I like the story, the plot isn't super badly written (like a really convoluted plot line that doesn't even make any sense or tons of unnecessary drama of misunderstanding) regardless of whatever it was about I just consume it and move on to the next.
What types do you tolerate? What can't you? What stories got past those tolerance, if any?
11 12,2020
I am sorry if I sound weird here guys. I am just curious about anal sex. I was wondering if any of you had experience.
Like is there prep needed before you do it? Sorry for saying this, are there a bit of poop sometimes?
Again sorry for being weird because I couldnt sleep and my mind is going places.
Like is there prep needed before you do it? Sorry for saying this, are there a bit of poop sometimes?
Again sorry for being weird because I couldnt sleep and my mind is going places.
Now that I have your attention, Review this. Spent 2h30min last night doing just for nobody to fucking see it, which made me feel like absolute shit
She had dark, very dark hair, almost as dark as midnight. It added to her mysterious aura, the vibes she emitted were undecodable. Her fair complexion was smooth and glowing. Her entire eyes were pitch black but still managed to look peaceful and welcoming. Well, just for a quick glance. If you continued to stare at them with intense curiousity, you'll start to realise how these beautiful stygian-darkness coloured pearls were oh so frightening and how her gaze was nightmarish. They were like the famous mythical beasts, called sirens, who'd lure fishermen with their beauty and angelic voices down the bottom of the ocean, to kill them viciously. Her facial expression looked unbothered, as if she didn't care. Her thin but slightly pouty lips had no emotion in them, she wasn't biting her lips, nothing. The element on her face that seemed to have the slightest bit of life was her nose. She was constantly scrunching and sniffing, like when someone gets sick and has a cold. Except, she wasn't sneezing or coughing. Just simply sniffing and scrunching, non-stop. Her clothes were interresting: An all black outfit with a slight pinch of colour. Nothing less, nothing more. "A very unique fashion choice", you might say...
Diane had been staring at the girl for the girl for the past ten minutes. She didn't know what else to do, she was still trying to figure out what was happening to her. Looking around the room, desperately trying to find answers. She was scared, she didn't know where she was exactly, what her goal was in all this, how she'll be living from now on. She felt like bursting into tears, she was ready to let the water fall. She was frightened, not comfortable at all...She wanted comfort, she needed comfort. That's why she had been staring at the girl this past minutes. The girl suddendly realized Diane had been staring at her.
-Are you okay? The girl asked, realising the subtle terror in Diane's eyes, who were starting to water. Don't worry, you're safe here, you can trust us, she said as her mouth slightly smirked in the corner. Your name is Diane, right ? Mine is Nikko, Nikko Yamaha but you can call me Nikki. I'm the oldest here, and the leader! Any questions ou have about anything would be best answered by me, I'm your best option.
-I'm okay, she lied. She didn't feel comfortable telling this stranger she was scared. Thank you Nikko.
-Nikki! she corrected her. Call me Nikki.
-Oh, ok. Sorry, thanks Nikki.
This little but informative conversation, made Diane slightly off edge. It didn't help her feel welcomed, nor did it make her feel safe. Diane sought out the fact that maybe Nikko was a good liar. She may have told Diane all these nice things, trying to come off as a warm and pleasant girl but it didn't hide the cold and harsh she had. She can't be trusted, Diane concluded.
Diane was so caught up in her own mind, she didn't realise she'd been crying. She was about to excuse herself to Nikko but she wasn't there. Nikko was gone. Being the curious soul she'd always been, she got up and started wandering around the room, The room was filled with abstract paintings, they had been intriguing Diane alot ever since she'd got here. The slight splash of colour in a dark-gray and cold room helped her feel somewhat happy. As she was walking around, staring at the paintings, she suddendly realised one the paintings was being painted by itself, right in front her eyes.
-That's cool, must be magic, she said a bit too loudly.
-You're right, it is magic and if you look at the titlt of the painting, it's named after you.
Diane jumped. When did she arrive? How long had she been there? Her heart started pounding faster, she was so starttled, she was at a loss for words.
-Oh my God! I'm so sorry, I was just, the paintings, this room is so dark, she blurted out.
-That's cute...The paintings are a nice touch to this room, Nikko responded. In fact, all of the paintings are being painted as we speak as we speak. Wierd, isn't it?
-I guess, Diane muttered.
Nikko, who had been leaning on the frame of the door, lifted her body off of the frame and walked towards Diane.
-Anyway so, you're going to have to come with me, I'll be showing you your living quarters. Maybe if you stay by yourself a bit, you'll get more comfortable being around this unfamiliar place.
Diane hated the way Nikko was trying so hard to make it seem like she could flatter her with her shallow words, enraged Diane. She didn't want Nikko to figure out the prejuidice she'd already made of her, so she agreed to follow her.
As they were walking down the hallways, Diane wondered where the others were. It felt as though they were the only ones there. How many hallways had they been going down? five? six? who knows. They never crossed paths with anyone. Wierd, she thought. Yes, wierd indeed...
Diane was about to continue her walk when Nikko's arm stopped her. They'd arrive at a door. Above it was Diane's full name. Nikko opened the door and let Diane enter the room. From the moment she entered that room, she felt this heavy weight on her shoulders dissapear. Nikko was right for once, she did feel safe. This place a comfort paradise. The room was a condo, with a loft. It had a bed, a kitchen, a bathroom, everything you'd typically have in a home. The loft had a library stuffed with books. Sweet! Diane thought. The room fitted Diane's dark academia aesthetic perfectly. She loved the room. She started roaming around the room, completely forgetting the existence of Nikko. The room smelled like a freshly opened book, Diane's favourite smell. The fridge had all of Diane's favourite foods and snacks, as well as things she'd always dreamed of tasting. There were pictures of her and every happy moment she'd ever have. This truly was, a room made for Diane.
-I see you're getting the hang of it! Nikko concluded after watching gasp at every aspect of the room. This place is yours and only yours. Everything you see in here is taken from a memory of your past life. Some items were placed here to fit the overall aesthetic of the place, Nikko affirmed. Oh and if you were wondering where everyone is, the others are reporting back to Yulrik. That's why we didn't run into anyone previously.
-How did you know I was comtemplating such a thing? Diane gasped as her eyes flew wide open. Has she been talking out loud this whole time without knowing? How the hell did Nikko know about that? If she knew about that, did she figure out Diane's overall thought of her?
Nikko was laughing, Diane was panicking. Nikko started to walk towards Diane, a serrated look in her eyes. Diane was standing in by the door, blocking the entrance. Nikko looked at Diane with a disguting look on her face. Diane couldn't stop her anxious breathing. The girl stopped, placed a hand on Diane's shoulder to take balance, leaned into her ear, to whisper a few words and said:
-I know exactly who you are. Don't play this little game with me. You may not know it yet but you are a danger to society. You're dangerous. No one should trust you. You may have fooled the others with your sweet words, perfect complexion and beautiful eyes but that's not going to work on me. The others seemed welcoming right? Wrong, their just scared of you. They won't admit it but they can't hide anything from me. I know everything. I'm not scared of you, on the contrary, you should be afraid of me.
Nikko chuckled. The horrifying look on Diane's face was a priceless, she ressembled a ghost.
-That little monologue you had about me, I find it very funny you know? You know nothing about me, yet you build up this fantasy from a simple conversation you've had with me. Intriguing...
-What are you, I have no idea what you're talking about! Diane yelled, trying to defend herself. A subtle rage was building up inside of her. Everything Nikko was saying was true but she still tried to explain herself.
-Stop lying! You can't lie to me! Nikko shouted. Don't you get it? You'll never be able to think quietly around me. You can't defend yourself, you just can't.
-Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Diane screamed. Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
Tears of anger were pouring down Diane's face. She couldn't stop crying, she was unable to turn the faucet off. She'd figure out how Nikko had been listening to her thoughts: Telepathy.
Nikko's face expression changed. Every aspect of her face sharpened: Her brows were frowning and her eyes were even more edgier than before. She grabbed Diane by the neck and pushed her against the wall, choking her in the process. Diane was gasping for air, her hands shaking, trying to free herself. Why wasn't the necklace doing anything? she thought, It helped her when her dad tried attacking her, why isn't it pushing Nikko away? Nikko let go of Diane. Diane took the biggest breath she'd ever taken and fell on the ground. She was coughing up blood. She couldn't stand up. She was mad. Furious even. As she was coughing up hemoglobin, She felt something or some pick her up. It wasn't Nikko, she had her arms crossed. Telekenisis? Diane wondered. Nikko was now standing in front of Diane again. She then proceeded to violate Diane's sense of privacy by shoving her hand down her t-shirt, looking for something. Diane tried to push Nikko away but something prevented her from laying a finger on the girl. Nikko pulled out the necklace from Diane.
-This thing, Nikko warned. Get rid of it. Destroy it before you destroy us.
Nikko started to let go of the necklace. As it was slowly gliding off her slim and pale fingers, she locked eyes with Diane, starring into her soul. What felt like minutes were merely just seconds. Diane finally dropped back onto Diane's chest, a chest that was beating so fast you'd start to wonder if the girl was still breathing. Nikko was still staring at her, Diane wanted her to stop, so she did. She then proceeded to walk out, shoving Diane out of her way, her long hair brushing Diane's cheek, tickling the poor girl's physiognomy. Diane started to walk towards her bed, ready to cry again when she suddendly thought of asking Nikko if the was Telepathic and Telekinetic. Diane turned around, ready to speak her words. As she pivoted her body towards the door, it flew shut, leaving her in the impossibility to get answers. She was loosing her balance, she stretched out her arms, looking for something to grasp. There was nothing around her. She couldn't escape the fall. Everything around her was falling. The door made so much ruckus it made everything in the room plummet. She couldn't distinguish anything around her. Everything was moving so fast. She heard the door open but couldn't react in time to see who it was. Her body finally reached the floor. The last thing she saw before going dark was an undefined Elijah, towering over her helpless body.
Diane was having the same dream again: Flashing images of her friends, people she didn't know, there was no plot to the dream. Nothing made sense to her. It had no beginning, no middle, no ending, nothing. She hated it. She despised it dearly. Everything around her in the dream was aither heavily saturated or completely rotten. Like an atomic bomb detonating and the aftermath of such a disasterous event. It was a nightmare, a nightmare she couldn't escape.
Diane woke up screaming, sweating and out of breath. How long had she been sleeping? days? maybe weeks? or perhaps months...She had lost track of time. She sat up and sighed. Even after sleeping, she still felt tired. There was a clock on the nightstand. Diane had already seen it before, when she was exploring the place. She couldn't see the time, she tried straining her eyes to see where the needles were. Then it hit her.
-Fuck, my contacts! she shrieked. Where are they? Oh, she suddendly realised.
They were behind her eyes, there was no way to get them back, there were no eye surgeon's here. Diane was legally blind, she couldn't see anything without her contacts. It was obvious her glasses were here somewhere, but she couldn't see at all. Her vision was disastrous.
She had an idea, a very stupid, painful and bloody idea, quite litteraly. Diane took a deep breath, stuffed her pillow in her mouth and bit down as her as she could, before shoving her fingers into her eye sockets, grabbing her eyeballs and ripping them out. She screeched at the top of her lungs. The pain was so unbearable, she felt like passing out once again. She was roaming her fingers on the eyeballs, looking for the contacts. After about a minute of intense eye touching, she found them. Diane had stopped yelling her heart out from the pain. She was on her way to the bathroom. She was blind, and on every step of the way, something was getting knocked off, Diane was bumping into something, etc. She managed to reach to bathroom. After an intense hour of eyeball washing, showering and crying from the pain, she shoved the eyes back in their place. The eyes were magically stiched back onto her, like when she'd previously lost her foot a couple of months back. Her vision cleared, she was able to catch a sight of the bathroom she was standing in. it was beautiful, she loved. The only thing messing with the vibe of the bathroom was her reflection in the mirror. A reflection she decided to flip off, the reflection followed back, flipping her off too. Diane gasped, "What a bitch" she joked.
Diane walked back to her bed. She took the clock and read the time. It was half past ten. Diane bursted out laughing.
-It doesn't say the fucking date! I did all that for nothing, I'm so fucking stupid, oh my God...
Diane left the room, she wanted to look for Elijah. On her way somewhere, she didn’t know where she was going, she simpled wandered around the premice, she crossed paths with the boy.
-You're awake! he acknowledged. You've been sleeping you know...Three entire weeks, that's got to be a world record. I thought you died, dear lord.
-Three weeks? What the actual fuck...
She had dark, very dark hair, almost as dark as midnight. It added to her mysterious aura, the vibes she emitted were undecodable. Her fair complexion was smooth and glowing. Her entire eyes were pitch black but still managed to look peaceful and welcoming. Well, just for a quick glance. If you continued to stare at them with intense curiousity, you'll start to realise how these beautiful stygian-darkness coloured pearls were oh so frightening and how her gaze was nightmarish. They were like the famous mythical beasts, called sirens, who'd lure fishermen with their beauty and angelic voices down the bottom of the ocean, to kill them viciously. Her facial expression looked unbothered, as if she didn't care. Her thin but slightly pouty lips had no emotion in them, she wasn't biting her lips, nothing. The element on her face that seemed to have the slightest bit of life was her nose. She was constantly scrunching and sniffing, like when someone gets sick and has a cold. Except, she wasn't sneezing or coughing. Just simply sniffing and scrunching, non-stop. Her clothes were interresting: An all black outfit with a slight pinch of colour. Nothing less, nothing more. "A very unique fashion choice", you might say...
Diane had been staring at the girl for the girl for the past ten minutes. She didn't know what else to do, she was still trying to figure out what was happening to her. Looking around the room, desperately trying to find answers. She was scared, she didn't know where she was exactly, what her goal was in all this, how she'll be living from now on. She felt like bursting into tears, she was ready to let the water fall. She was frightened, not comfortable at all...She wanted comfort, she needed comfort. That's why she had been staring at the girl this past minutes. The girl suddendly realized Diane had been staring at her.
-Are you okay? The girl asked, realising the subtle terror in Diane's eyes, who were starting to water. Don't worry, you're safe here, you can trust us, she said as her mouth slightly smirked in the corner. Your name is Diane, right ? Mine is Nikko, Nikko Yamaha but you can call me Nikki. I'm the oldest here, and the leader! Any questions ou have about anything would be best answered by me, I'm your best option.
-I'm okay, she lied. She didn't feel comfortable telling this stranger she was scared. Thank you Nikko.
-Nikki! she corrected her. Call me Nikki.
-Oh, ok. Sorry, thanks Nikki.
This little but informative conversation, made Diane slightly off edge. It didn't help her feel welcomed, nor did it make her feel safe. Diane sought out the fact that maybe Nikko was a good liar. She may have told Diane all these nice things, trying to come off as a warm and pleasant girl but it didn't hide the cold and harsh she had. She can't be trusted, Diane concluded.
Diane was so caught up in her own mind, she didn't realise she'd been crying. She was about to excuse herself to Nikko but she wasn't there. Nikko was gone. Being the curious soul she'd always been, she got up and started wandering around the room, The room was filled with abstract paintings, they had been intriguing Diane alot ever since she'd got here. The slight splash of colour in a dark-gray and cold room helped her feel somewhat happy. As she was walking around, staring at the paintings, she suddendly realised one the paintings was being painted by itself, right in front her eyes.
-That's cool, must be magic, she said a bit too loudly.
-You're right, it is magic and if you look at the titlt of the painting, it's named after you.
Diane jumped. When did she arrive? How long had she been there? Her heart started pounding faster, she was so starttled, she was at a loss for words.
-Oh my God! I'm so sorry, I was just, the paintings, this room is so dark, she blurted out.
-That's cute...The paintings are a nice touch to this room, Nikko responded. In fact, all of the paintings are being painted as we speak as we speak. Wierd, isn't it?
-I guess, Diane muttered.
Nikko, who had been leaning on the frame of the door, lifted her body off of the frame and walked towards Diane.
-Anyway so, you're going to have to come with me, I'll be showing you your living quarters. Maybe if you stay by yourself a bit, you'll get more comfortable being around this unfamiliar place.
Diane hated the way Nikko was trying so hard to make it seem like she could flatter her with her shallow words, enraged Diane. She didn't want Nikko to figure out the prejuidice she'd already made of her, so she agreed to follow her.
As they were walking down the hallways, Diane wondered where the others were. It felt as though they were the only ones there. How many hallways had they been going down? five? six? who knows. They never crossed paths with anyone. Wierd, she thought. Yes, wierd indeed...
Diane was about to continue her walk when Nikko's arm stopped her. They'd arrive at a door. Above it was Diane's full name. Nikko opened the door and let Diane enter the room. From the moment she entered that room, she felt this heavy weight on her shoulders dissapear. Nikko was right for once, she did feel safe. This place a comfort paradise. The room was a condo, with a loft. It had a bed, a kitchen, a bathroom, everything you'd typically have in a home. The loft had a library stuffed with books. Sweet! Diane thought. The room fitted Diane's dark academia aesthetic perfectly. She loved the room. She started roaming around the room, completely forgetting the existence of Nikko. The room smelled like a freshly opened book, Diane's favourite smell. The fridge had all of Diane's favourite foods and snacks, as well as things she'd always dreamed of tasting. There were pictures of her and every happy moment she'd ever have. This truly was, a room made for Diane.
-I see you're getting the hang of it! Nikko concluded after watching gasp at every aspect of the room. This place is yours and only yours. Everything you see in here is taken from a memory of your past life. Some items were placed here to fit the overall aesthetic of the place, Nikko affirmed. Oh and if you were wondering where everyone is, the others are reporting back to Yulrik. That's why we didn't run into anyone previously.
-How did you know I was comtemplating such a thing? Diane gasped as her eyes flew wide open. Has she been talking out loud this whole time without knowing? How the hell did Nikko know about that? If she knew about that, did she figure out Diane's overall thought of her?
Nikko was laughing, Diane was panicking. Nikko started to walk towards Diane, a serrated look in her eyes. Diane was standing in by the door, blocking the entrance. Nikko looked at Diane with a disguting look on her face. Diane couldn't stop her anxious breathing. The girl stopped, placed a hand on Diane's shoulder to take balance, leaned into her ear, to whisper a few words and said:
-I know exactly who you are. Don't play this little game with me. You may not know it yet but you are a danger to society. You're dangerous. No one should trust you. You may have fooled the others with your sweet words, perfect complexion and beautiful eyes but that's not going to work on me. The others seemed welcoming right? Wrong, their just scared of you. They won't admit it but they can't hide anything from me. I know everything. I'm not scared of you, on the contrary, you should be afraid of me.
Nikko chuckled. The horrifying look on Diane's face was a priceless, she ressembled a ghost.
-That little monologue you had about me, I find it very funny you know? You know nothing about me, yet you build up this fantasy from a simple conversation you've had with me. Intriguing...
-What are you, I have no idea what you're talking about! Diane yelled, trying to defend herself. A subtle rage was building up inside of her. Everything Nikko was saying was true but she still tried to explain herself.
-Stop lying! You can't lie to me! Nikko shouted. Don't you get it? You'll never be able to think quietly around me. You can't defend yourself, you just can't.
-Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Diane screamed. Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
Tears of anger were pouring down Diane's face. She couldn't stop crying, she was unable to turn the faucet off. She'd figure out how Nikko had been listening to her thoughts: Telepathy.
Nikko's face expression changed. Every aspect of her face sharpened: Her brows were frowning and her eyes were even more edgier than before. She grabbed Diane by the neck and pushed her against the wall, choking her in the process. Diane was gasping for air, her hands shaking, trying to free herself. Why wasn't the necklace doing anything? she thought, It helped her when her dad tried attacking her, why isn't it pushing Nikko away? Nikko let go of Diane. Diane took the biggest breath she'd ever taken and fell on the ground. She was coughing up blood. She couldn't stand up. She was mad. Furious even. As she was coughing up hemoglobin, She felt something or some pick her up. It wasn't Nikko, she had her arms crossed. Telekenisis? Diane wondered. Nikko was now standing in front of Diane again. She then proceeded to violate Diane's sense of privacy by shoving her hand down her t-shirt, looking for something. Diane tried to push Nikko away but something prevented her from laying a finger on the girl. Nikko pulled out the necklace from Diane.
-This thing, Nikko warned. Get rid of it. Destroy it before you destroy us.
Nikko started to let go of the necklace. As it was slowly gliding off her slim and pale fingers, she locked eyes with Diane, starring into her soul. What felt like minutes were merely just seconds. Diane finally dropped back onto Diane's chest, a chest that was beating so fast you'd start to wonder if the girl was still breathing. Nikko was still staring at her, Diane wanted her to stop, so she did. She then proceeded to walk out, shoving Diane out of her way, her long hair brushing Diane's cheek, tickling the poor girl's physiognomy. Diane started to walk towards her bed, ready to cry again when she suddendly thought of asking Nikko if the was Telepathic and Telekinetic. Diane turned around, ready to speak her words. As she pivoted her body towards the door, it flew shut, leaving her in the impossibility to get answers. She was loosing her balance, she stretched out her arms, looking for something to grasp. There was nothing around her. She couldn't escape the fall. Everything around her was falling. The door made so much ruckus it made everything in the room plummet. She couldn't distinguish anything around her. Everything was moving so fast. She heard the door open but couldn't react in time to see who it was. Her body finally reached the floor. The last thing she saw before going dark was an undefined Elijah, towering over her helpless body.
Diane was having the same dream again: Flashing images of her friends, people she didn't know, there was no plot to the dream. Nothing made sense to her. It had no beginning, no middle, no ending, nothing. She hated it. She despised it dearly. Everything around her in the dream was aither heavily saturated or completely rotten. Like an atomic bomb detonating and the aftermath of such a disasterous event. It was a nightmare, a nightmare she couldn't escape.
Diane woke up screaming, sweating and out of breath. How long had she been sleeping? days? maybe weeks? or perhaps months...She had lost track of time. She sat up and sighed. Even after sleeping, she still felt tired. There was a clock on the nightstand. Diane had already seen it before, when she was exploring the place. She couldn't see the time, she tried straining her eyes to see where the needles were. Then it hit her.
-Fuck, my contacts! she shrieked. Where are they? Oh, she suddendly realised.
They were behind her eyes, there was no way to get them back, there were no eye surgeon's here. Diane was legally blind, she couldn't see anything without her contacts. It was obvious her glasses were here somewhere, but she couldn't see at all. Her vision was disastrous.
She had an idea, a very stupid, painful and bloody idea, quite litteraly. Diane took a deep breath, stuffed her pillow in her mouth and bit down as her as she could, before shoving her fingers into her eye sockets, grabbing her eyeballs and ripping them out. She screeched at the top of her lungs. The pain was so unbearable, she felt like passing out once again. She was roaming her fingers on the eyeballs, looking for the contacts. After about a minute of intense eye touching, she found them. Diane had stopped yelling her heart out from the pain. She was on her way to the bathroom. She was blind, and on every step of the way, something was getting knocked off, Diane was bumping into something, etc. She managed to reach to bathroom. After an intense hour of eyeball washing, showering and crying from the pain, she shoved the eyes back in their place. The eyes were magically stiched back onto her, like when she'd previously lost her foot a couple of months back. Her vision cleared, she was able to catch a sight of the bathroom she was standing in. it was beautiful, she loved. The only thing messing with the vibe of the bathroom was her reflection in the mirror. A reflection she decided to flip off, the reflection followed back, flipping her off too. Diane gasped, "What a bitch" she joked.
Diane walked back to her bed. She took the clock and read the time. It was half past ten. Diane bursted out laughing.
-It doesn't say the fucking date! I did all that for nothing, I'm so fucking stupid, oh my God...
Diane left the room, she wanted to look for Elijah. On her way somewhere, she didn’t know where she was going, she simpled wandered around the premice, she crossed paths with the boy.
-You're awake! he acknowledged. You've been sleeping you know...Three entire weeks, that's got to be a world record. I thought you died, dear lord.
-Three weeks? What the actual fuck...
13 07,2020
doesn't it feel the same as vaginal? like i get why it's different for the receiver but what about the giver? does it feel better?