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Why is pedophilia so normalized? I've done some research over authors writing those tremendous age gaps and how are none of them arrested? Its legit child corn my guy. "Its just a drawing" yeah its a drawing of a child and adult engaging in sexual acts. When does the line between fiction and reality cross? When do these creeps take the next step out of their fantasies and make it reality? Pedophiles read these mangas because they have easy access. When will people realize this? Its not normal behaviour to read those types of mangas, get help. And dont even try interacting with this If you're gonna defend shota, you're not entitled to an opinion. Im just sick of it
03 04,2024
Why do people dislike the simplest comments on mangago, even if its not something offensive. Maybe im too overly self conscious and care too much about random strangers but i just need a reason why though because if someone just dislikes how am i suppose to argue with that huh, what did i say to offend you, i need to know .Leaves me thinking sometimes.
03 04,2024
mine is when i mistaken my friend for another girl which has the same name as her,, i literally commented on one of their post (the comment i made is something so embarassing i dont even wanna talk abt smh) hehe
whats yours
05 07,2021
I just completely forgot about these-
Like i was reading something then you know when you get to the end of the latest update in a chapter? Yeah well i clicked on some of those recommended manga's and i saw that i already had it in my list like... Wtf... I forgot about this...
I am so sorry manga/hua/hwa's please forgive me as i have a bad memory :')
30 06,2021
If there's anything you wanna share, anything on your mind, anything weighting down on you, whether you're looking for an answer to something, advice or just want to vent about it, leave it here. I'm hoping people will also answer to it cause sometimes even a message or a thought from a stranger can help a lot. No judging whatsoever, this is a mental health checkpoint so...

How are yall feeling lately?

(I'll also be putting mine in the answers)
30 06,2021
28 05,2021
"I find it very sad that saying 'I have a boyfriend' is the most effective way to get a man to leave you alone. Because he respects another man more than you you simply saying 'no'."
28 05,2021
You have 10 seconds to explain yourself or I’m literally going to end your whole career <3 (we found the evidence babe, don’t lie or else I’ll just enjoy it more)
25 04,2021
Here’s ur chance to let it all out and relax
No rlly I found out a lot today and I feel like y’all need a break so here ya go :D
25 04,2021
my uid 60378839 smirks im world lvl 8 though
ill join yours if ur lower level...
im so bored rn in genshin
09 04,2021
04 03,2021
It hurts so bad. My mom's lecturing me screaming at me about how less I do. But I'm trying my best. I'm sorry that I'm not enough, I'm sorry that I'm not like you. I'm sorry that I'm not enough, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry. I don't want to stay here anymore. I want to break something, I want to hurt I just want to leave. I have to be respectful and polite and studious and smart and good but I'm done. I feel broken. I want to scream.
My throat feels tight.
My eyed burn my heart hurts.
I want to leave but I can't, I'm scared I'm still thinking about her.

She doesn't know the stress, she's a drop out. She never did the exams.
I'm trying to deal, why can't we talk? Why do you always scream? How do you expect me to open up? Of course I'm gonna stay silent, why would I answer if all you're gonna do is scream?

Why do you rub my head one day and curse me the next?

Why can't you fucking understand?

How do you hurt so easily when it hurts me to hurt you?

Are you the reason I hurt myself? The reason I'd do it again?

I don't want you to hate me but your love is painful. I don't want to hate you but loving you hurts.

Why was I labelled smart? If not would you have had less expectations?
04 03,2021
10th photo naughty ( in bed
6th photo nice ( in bed
Good luck ¯_(ツ)_/¯
01 12,2020
you're opinions, please <3

anyway fuck dude, i got blocked by this one person in the middle of an argument. AND IT WAS FUN.

so basically i wanna know where the rest of mangago stands to see if im just shitting myself for no reason or if i did have a valid point.
~do you think you should label 10 year old children, boy or girl, as a "seme/uke"?

based off of the comment section of,
and manga -

thanks :) !
28 11,2020
Uhmno 22 11,2020
what if fishes can't really breathe underwater they just have the potion of water breathing
22 11,2020
Take the test to see how much tension, anxiety and depression you have (Not that accurate)

I got 48 tension 48 anxiety and 58 depression.
20 11,2020
So you see, for a while I’ve been wanting to have someone to talk to, a psychiatrist or something like that I mean, but I’m really scared to tell my parents since I know that they would take it as something dumb and say something in the lines of: “you don’t need that, talk to us” and if I say there are things I don’t want to talk about with them they go like “so u trust another person better than ur parents?” . Lately I’ve lost interest in things that I used to enjoy, I don’t wanna hang out with friends nor leave home, my mum says I’m turning into a hikikomori and then laughs it off, ha ha she’s so funny.

It’s not only that, I always feel like my problems aren’t important enough, I use to think that some ppl have it worse than me and maybe that’s why I don’t care to explain.

I don’t know what to do, and it’s not like I have someone to talk about these things either so I’m explaining this to some strangers online.

Hope you have a nice day.

Thanks for reading this and thanks for being there too.
20 11,2020