Hope this makes you laugh   reply
28 01,2021
Any Advice? [Answer]
Kris 28 01,2021
hey!, trans dude here, congrats on finding who u are buddy, is not easy but when u finally find out, you feel so relieved (and I hope u feel like that even if u fell a little bit confused) and about the clothes, is ok, clothes don't have gender, and using feminine clothes doesn't make u less men, so don't be ashamed or afraid of it, there isn't a r......   reply
28 01,2021
me to every lolicon/shotacon   1 reply
28 01,2021
You can't understand how many times i've seen loli and shots fans go: "Don't like don't read" " (︶︿︶)=凸" "The age of consent in Japan is 13" I had this talk with some bitches about this and the end result task them blocking me, lolll   1 reply
28 01,2021
Note: I am not in favor of shota or loli content. I am simply pointing out a flaw in what you are saying. According to the law, it is only illegal if you are in POSSESSION of it. You cannot be tried for just looking at it. If you download it, or have any images of it, physical or digital, on your person and/or property, you can be charged with pos......   1 reply
28 01,2021
I fall into the asexual category myself (I dislike sex and am not intrested in having sexual relationships. However I am interested in having a life partner and enjoy some romance. Gifting the flowers and chocolates, the hand holding, sharing blankets while watching movies and going out for dinner dates... the more platonic but romantic stuff like......   reply
28 01,2021
Any Advice? [Answer]
Milf_hunter69 28 01,2021
Gender identity and gender expression are separate, if you identify as a transgender male then you are one, and if you wanna wear cute clothes GO AHEAD, that doesn't make you any less of a man, I mean I'm pretty masculine, but I do enjoy wearing cute stuff from time to time!!   reply
28 01,2021
Aw, dang, I always thought shota/loli stuff was a good thing to exist as an alternative to literal real life cp so nobody is actually getting hurt. *eh, who cares, it's not like they are doing much to stop people, so peeps can still read it*   2 reply
28 01,2021
Shota and loli are disgusting, whats worse is I've seen people try to defend it like seriously? Wth? One dude said he was a minor reading loli and saying like "its fine, I'm a minor" but the thing is Shota and loli content are created for legal adults, its disgusting and gross and needs to stop, it doesn't matter if the character is over 30, the ......   reply
28 01,2021
Same lol, I cried like 7 times yesterday for being disappointed in myself, but I like to draw/paint whenever I get anxious or irritated which is a lot, doing something like art or reading can help, I hope you're feeling better, I'm glad you're here and thriving   reply
28 01,2021

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