having a crush on a fictional character/celebrity doesn't affect your sexuality in anyway.   1 reply
21 05,2021
you identify yourself as asexual but is attracted to fictional characters, are you still asexual even if your still not sexually attracted to real living people? also, are our feelings towards fictional character doesn't count such as to our sexuality attraction and stuff?

a friend of mine who is also asexual asked me this and i got confused too. im not well-versed in this type of subject, so pardon me if this sounds dumb and ridiculous to you.
21 05,2021
Like I remember seeing the movie and being like god damn.   1 reply
21 04,2021
People out there thinking that 13 being the "age of consent" in Japan makes this okay... There is nothing normal about a teenager, a CHILD, mind you, and an adult, being together. For instance, take how common it is worldwide for late teens to be dating a 20-something year old. Even tho 20 and 15/16 year olds are, on paper, close in age, there is ......   reply
25 02,2021
Good thing I hate children   reply
25 02,2021
Yeah, its disgusting and also illegal. Not a news flash. You know what's also illegal? Using this website. Funny that you would preach about cp and shota to people who are already pirating manga, including yourself.   reply
25 02,2021
the way ppl DIDNT know this. Like did you think cp just wouldn’t count cuz it’s animated?......hello? Like what?   reply
25 02,2021
i dated several straight men and it was alright but ofc theres always good and bad side in relationships. ive met a few good guys but during heated arguments where emotions are all mixed up, the usual "but u have a lot of options!" always escapes their mouth especially when u have a jealous, possessive bf. theres this one mf who made my life a livi......   reply
25 02,2021
https://youtu.be/OVOONl5cock Watch this, it’s literally the best makeup tutorial to wash those tears away HAVE A GOOD DAY LUV   reply
28 01,2021
I always watch "Jin laughing" videos when I'm feeling down. His laughter is contagious   reply
28 01,2021

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