just say u got explosive diarrhea rather than sayin all that shit...   reply
27 10,2023
As a straight female, I do not claim this person :)   1 reply
27 10,2023
Y'know shitting those plopplopplop shits as if your organs falling out after you feel like you lost 5 kg right away into katrina kaif, I get SO damn sweaty and haaahnghnomore I just HAVE TO get buck-nakedI don't even get half naked when I fuck femboy buttholes(just zipper, tits area nekd) cos I prefer fucking clothed(buttholes cool with it). But seeing my going as far as stripping just to let out shit down my ass like a gay riding cock, is it a bodily message that I'm in fact a bottom? Istg thanks to watching buttholes cowboy riding me I shit like I'm filling a poop truck. Could it be fucking bottoms has made me into a bottom myself?!
27 10,2023
sorry, found this on reddit and I couldn't resist. ️ As an asexual myself, let me tell you that if you are attracted to a fictional (or even real) person, it doesn't mean anything. You can still be asexual. Actually, a lot of Ace use fiction for an outlet! You also che get aroused or prove sexual attraction, but usually you don't want to do t......   2 reply
21 05,2021
I'm asexual myself and have had the same kind of question for a long time. In the end I just accepted that sexuality has nothing to do with attraction to fictional characters, you can be attracted to a character and still be asexual. Real life people just aren't sexually appealing to me. I never have had the desire to actually have "sex", but I sti......   reply
21 05,2021
they are fictional characters, they dont exist so no. i find fictional men attractive but it doesnt mean im romantically and sexually attracted to men in real life   reply
21 05,2021
a fictional character is fictional and has no impact on your actual sexuality. my ass is ace, and aro and yet if nanami proposed to me, i would marry him in 0.1 seconds, and literally makeout with him. still hate men, sex, and the thought of having to like someone though, makes sense?   reply
21 05,2021
two options; 1- your friend could be assexual but with another romantic sexuality 2- i dont remember where i saw this but i saw something saying like "you can be a lesbian and beatracted to fictional man/celebrity" i dont remember why this happen, but that could be happening to your friend   2 reply
21 05,2021

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