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Last night my body was shaking so much for no reason at all
I was pretty calm and i was trying to figure out a reason why i was shaking
So i went out my room to go get the snacks my aunt gave me
That seemed to make me stop shaking so i went back to my room then went to sleep
I woke up at a random time and i wss feeling uncomfortable for some reason (you ever get that time where you're uncomfortable for like no reason at all?) i get uncomfortable for no reason at all sometimes so i didn't mind it, i was just trying to find a way to go back to sleep
Eventually i went back to sleep

Before you say anything:
I don't wanna talk to my parents about this because they'd just say
"iTs beCauSe of You uSinG yOur pHonE"
That's the usual response
16 02,2021
You dimmadumbass ducker.
Why did you click the button?
Now we’re all gonna ducking die.
Thanks a lot man.
16 02,2021
Hey guys. I’m lonely. So one buying Friend’s.

5$ - talk to me

10$ - make an inside joke with me

20$ - listen to me talk

∞ $ - get matching tattoos.

I’ll send you the money with my telepathy.
16 02,2021
His name is Shawn Coss he portrays mental illnesses,Phobias and world problems through his unique art style.
21 11,2020