Funky town gore [Answer]
[DELETED] 07 03,2024
Im not tryna online diagonse some1 but yall gore enjoying ppl sound so weird sayin "i enjoy bloody scenes" like who tf in their right mind enjoys that? Maybes its cus im rlly empathetc but i cry at even the sight of like a baby getting killed off screen or smth. Like i get enjoying the practical effects that go into making bloody scenes cause i alw......   reply
07 03,2024
Funky town gore [Question]
07 03,2024
I was looking for some nice funky songs, and then while listening Funky town I read lots of comments about a gore vid, went to look for it, saw the blurr version and heard the audio
So many people warning to not look at it even though you love edgy things I'm hella scared to look at the original video but at the same time I'm so curious I want to see it
Am I gonna be traumatized for dear life if I look at it, knowing I laugh like a psycho in front of bloody scenes in horror movies?
07 03,2024
This guy scares me more than any horror story... Saw the above article randomly. Apparently this asshole named Andrew Tate is a TikTok influencer who promotes misogyny. There are many guys who agree with his views. Uh... too scar......   reply
03 02,2024
what did she expect for us readers to do? go support her? shes just scaring her readers away   reply
14 07,2021
Now recently I came to scared from YD
I swear I still didn't touch Blind Play neither want to read it in future I am here just for some random mangas which aren't still translated in official app or sites but my favorite so thanks to here translators~
also save my all category
and I also able to get lot of recommendations so I can read it in officially website
┗( T﹏T )┛
14 07,2021
Challenge [Answer]
17 05,2021
Man I hate going on mrm bro so I'm gonna pass-(● ̄(エ) ̄●)site always got full-on pornos playing on the side of the screen   reply
17 05,2021
17 05,2021
just let ur parents find out ur dead anyways   reply
17 05,2021
Challenge [Answer]
17 05,2021
I’m not reading it But it sounds cool and has some juicy tags so have fun lol   2 reply
17 05,2021
17 05,2021
Then tell them if u die then ur last will is to bury ur desktop with u, that way you'll be saved (i guess)   reply
17 05,2021
Challenge [Answer]
17 05,2021 Um, Nani? Okay...   reply
17 05,2021

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