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Someone dmed me, accusing me of siding with p*dophilia by replying to a user, tell me,how is this supporting pedo? How is replying about anime supporting p*dos?
How does my response say anything about supporting them? I do not.
24 11,2023
Ones upon the time.....
19 06,2021
What are some characters whom have done pretty bad and nasty things but people give it a pass just because they're goos looking?
19 05,2021
I got hit on!! So I was doing a concert yesterday and after the show this guy came up to me and started flirting with me but I wasn't understanding because like, he seemed like he knew me? And I was just sitting there with this blank slate on my face like wtf first of all, i like girls second who tf are you and how do i know you?
And after all that, he said "I can't believe you don't remember me."
"Sorry" I said "Should I? Who are you?"
"...wait. Are you (name of my sister)'s sister?"
LMAO HE THOUGHT HE WAS HITTING ON MY SISTER BAHAHAHAHA we don't even look that similar how did he mistake that?

Anyways... I'm eating animal crackers in bed. How y'all doing?
08 03,2021
Lumi 01 03,2021
(hello! I would like to share an idea I got from my dreams in pov form :) )
Warning it's long so if you don't want to read it please don't

You wake up on a tiny boat surrounded by nothing but ocean. It's been days since the shipwreck and not another person in sight, it's nothing but ocean as far as you can see. Hours go by and your stomach is rumbling so much it feels like it's eating itself. You curl yourself up trying your best to numb or ignore the pain. Just as those thoughts cross your mind that you won't make it out of this alive, it feels like the earth's very core starts shaking. You place both hands on the side of the boat trying to keep both the boat and yourself steady as the water slams against it. You notice that the sea animals are going crazy trying to swim away from where the ripples in the water were more dominant. Suddenly fear strikes you when you realize your boat is being pulled into those ripples and there was nothing you could do to stop it. You laid down on the boat, facing the dark sky, and closed your eyes. Right as you close your eyes the sea goes still and the earth stops shaking. You wait, completely still, for about ten minutes waiting for something to happen, but nothing happens. You decide to open your eyes and the first thing you see is a bright clear sky, as you sit up in the boat you immediately realize the island your boat is now resting on. Though you're confused your hunger over throws any rational thought and you quickly jump out of the boat, onto the soft, seemingly glowing, sand of the island. As you were going up to a tree your peripheral vision encourages you to turn back and look towards where your boat had landed. You didn't want to at first but you had a guy feeling something was very wrong. You quickly turn around and notice that the sea away from the island is still rumbling and the only patch of clear sky is right above the island the rest is still dark maybe even darker than before. Chills go up and down your spine and everything is making you feel like you need to leave, immediately. What do you do?
01 03,2021
Program Me has exactly what I want in GL, but I can’t pinpoint it. It’s not the art style or the BDSM or anything like that.

I think it’s the humour and the fact that it goes at a good pace? It reads like BL and some good SL, it’s not really slow and it’s funny no matter what, I think, so if you have something like that then I’ll take it!
01 03,2021
when people make promises but they don't actually do it, or when people dont clean up after themselves. What's yours?
01 03,2021
01 03,2021
So uh— why does the OFFICIAL Haikyuu manga have YAOI as a genre tag?? Genuine question.
01 03,2021
Like what was your obsession/fandom in middle school
28 02,2021
You decide to destroy the company in retaliation. How would you destroy the company?
it's for a story I'm writing.
28 02,2021
I swear to god some of these translators and uploaders need to download Grammarly, can't even spell a single sentence right. So many translators just put the text straight into google translate, and put it right back into the speech bubble, like what??? I'm so done with the horrible translators, and tbh I shouldn't even be talking since I'm just reading it for free but I'm fed up.
28 02,2021
ai yi yi you may be wondering what you just saw... Hi my name is Juno I'm 19 and this is my story about how I met my lovely (aka not) girlfriend. Well, it all started when I left my apartment, I was sitting on my couch watching some TV I remembered I haven't had breakfast and it's 4:00, pm I was hungry so I got up and went to the refrigerator only to be disappointed there was nothing to eat and I wasn't going to cook up some dry ass meal so I put some clothes and shoes on got my phone and card put my mask on and went to the door I went out and locked the door behind me. It was pretty cold out I didn't bother checking the weather (1st mistake) since the store isn't really far from my apartment I just walked, ugh really wished I put a jacket on it's too late now (a couple of minutes later)... I arrived at the store I went in and went to go get some snacks (while shopping) I saw this couple they were cute and small like two little bear cubs I envied them... I finally finished getting what I need there was this one dude who was really rude I really had the urge to kick him in his balls but I held back because I really wanted to go home I got to the register paid for my things said thank you and have a good day to the cashier and left. I was walking home and it started raining at that moment I really thought fuck my life... I started to speed walk home because I wasn't about to run a bust my ass. Ah, I finally got back home but when I got there I heard someone fighting next door knowing me I was being nosy I guess they were breaking up, it was getting colder so I decided to go inside I unlocked my door and went in, I put my groceries on the counter and went to take a shower... (later on) I was putting my groceries up and made some noodles I guess the couple was still fighting because I could hear yelling I was like damn the hell happened then a door slammed I was like chile... I went to my couch with my noodles wondering what in the hell happened, Suddenly I hear a loud know at my door so I got up and went to go see, I looked through the peephole and saw a scary soaking wet girl, to be honest, I was scared to open the door but she knocked again but gentler I unlocked the door... There she was standing looking sad and pitiful like she was on the verge of crying her eyes out she was soaking wet and cold from the rain I asked if she was ok, my eyes widen when she said no her voice was soft but deep and seductive and sad all at the same time, I don't even know why but I let her in a total stranger but I felt like I had too... I asked if you would like a towel or something warm to drink, she said if she could have both I said, of course, I asked what kind of tea she would like she replied with green tea is fine. I made her tea and gave it to her I sat there in awkward silence while she drank her tea I asked no questions and she didn't say anything... She said thank you for the tea and left. I was left dumbstruck and tired I went to bed in utter confusion. (in the morning) I woke up with a loud knocking at my door I was pissed it was 10:00 am in the morning I got up pissed and answer the door when I opened the door I was shocked... I opened the door to find the stranger that was here last night right in front of me again, she had a bag and looked better and happier from yesterday she asked if she could come in, without even thinking I let her in... my hair was a mess my clothes were a mess and lets not even talk about my face I mean what do u expect when you wake up. She came in and handed me the bag I looked in it, the bag had peach tea and sandwiches in it. I put the bag down and said thank you to her asked why she was here, she said you must be wondering who I am and why I was here last night, she explained how she broke up with her girlfriend yesterday and that may of what I heard last night, she said she also came to thank me for last night. I laughed awkwardly saying no problem and I asked if there was anything else... She said actually yes there is she took her shirt off and approached me, I almost slapped the shit outta her not gonna lie, she asked me to have sex, of course, I said no and said didn't you just get out of a relationship what you're doing isn't healthy she quickly realized and looked pitiful and depressed because of the break up obviously, I asked if this is what you do to cope with your heartbreak she looked a different direction at that moment I knew the answer myself, then she said ¨i loved her so much¨ then said what else am I supposed to do sit around and sulk I do what I do best... she started tearing up saying I loved her so much she sounded like a little puppy I couldn't do anything but freak out and try to comfort her, I comforted her she got a little better. I said ¨fine ill do it¨ she stood there in shock I stood there looking away and angry I fell into this mess because I pity her and how I'm letting her use my body to feel better even so went and took a shower. I sat on my bed and told her to come here she came in and took her clothes off she asked are you sure I looked away knowing it wouldn't matter were already at this point she took my towel off and started sucking my nipples softly they went perk I got filled with lust and anger, I became wet she put her fingers in her mouth and took them out covered with her silva she put them in I felt her long fingers inside of my I felt my walls wrapping around her fingers her other finger started to rub my clit I felt like cumming she lifted my leg up and put it on her shoulder she rubbed her clit against mines I could feel the heat she started rubbing own pussies faster together I looked up and saw her face it looked so erotic I got turned on, even more, she rubbed faster and faster till we both came I sat there breathless we both cleaned up and talked over the weeks we got to know each other it was nice having someone to talk with. (2 years later) I'm happily in love with her and she is with me...

28 02,2021
Green: day of your birthday
Grey: month of your birthday
Pink: number of letters on your first name


Mine is "orphaned philanthropist has to find a thing to stop the bad guy(s) in space".
01 02,2021
AardatLilli 13 01,2021
I swear this is not weird
Aaannnd, myt as well spill- my 1st lang isn't eng soo....and this is my first tym writing something not meant for school assignment, go easy on me...pls.... ╥﹏╥


A dead end, the door I opened led to a dead end. It’s dark and the room feels airless. I can’t see anything. Something feels off.

Static pops in my ear, ‘Ah! Riya, quiet down’ I say. ‘Found a way yet?’

‘Gimme a sec’

The lights suddenly turn on. The room looks more eerie with the dim lights but at the very least I can see properly

‘Try moving around a bit’ Anriya says

I don’t see anything except for the bare, empty room

‘Don’t you have a map of this place? It’s like you said earlier, this room is a dead end’

‘Bear with me a little. You can’t really go back, unless you want to go through the guards.’

I open the only door in the room, ‘That’s easy for you to say’

‘Wait! Ama-’, I took off the earpiece and slipped it into my purse


Shud I do a part 2, Your thoughts---
13 01,2021
Once upon a time someone told me that period blood was a good use for face moisturiser
21 12,2020