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itsme_ 06 11,2020
have any of you guys heard of this where you get to go to your desired reality it can be a anime world or harry potter imma try it out by doing the raven method tonight wish me luck
06 11,2020
Is there anyone way to like get Obama back into the presidency somehow? Cuz Trump is horrible and Biden is in the middle, not quite there yet. And I feel that SOMEHOW the US will fall into ruin cuz of all the pandemic ordeals and hurricans, more protests after the election and such. Like Obama was the best president ever, like can we just somehow put him back onto the president seat? Like PLEASE. I'm so fucking desperate rn. Cuz I voted Biden cuz hes better than trump but like Obama, I need ya, this country needs you. ┗( T﹏T )┛
06 11,2020
as said above, I'm curious, so drop one or some characters you wish you had as siblings
the max is 5, have fun! :)
06 11,2020