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What are your thoughts on it? I loved the movie. It was probably one of the best sequels Pixar produced in a while. The characters were great, I never got sick of anyone. There are the good moments, but I honestly don't think the emotional aspect of IO2 really hit as hard as it did in the first. Don't get me wrong I think the moments were good and were well portrayed, I just didn't bawl into tears like I did for the first one and I was kinda let down on that.
9 days
I just finished watching The Thing (1982), and I really enjoyed it despite generally not enjoying anything with too much gore, it's so good. Perfect Blue is also one of my all-time favorites, def recommend if anyone likes psychological horror.
09 04,2024
Just watched it and Elio being 17 while Oliver 24 is just so disturbing to me.

7 years age gap is okk...if they met as adults - but he's a minor.

Just wanted to share my opinion.
16 11,2023
Y'know there's always that dumb person who yells "Hello?" as if the killer is gonna be like "Yeah I'm in the kitchen, want a sandwich?"
26 05,2021
Have you watched the movie? What’s your opinion on it.

To me I hate that in movies and shows it’s always someone else outing one of the main characters over a small or worthless argument , like love, Simon The dude Blackmailed Simon to get the girl then outed Simon over not getting The girl, was that argument worth fucking with someone’s life? Knowing your going to like someone else in a month or so. I know it’s just a movie and everything went well for Simon in the end but I get so pissed when that happens, Because people do that in real life, if it’s not yours to share then don’t.
(My punctuation is probably messed up because I wrote this fast)
20 11,2020
How do you feel about them?
Mutan to me didn’t feel like the original animated movie I was so confused watching it.
Aladdin was good I guess.
Cinderella & beauty and the beast was a gem to me.
I heard Ariel was Is cast to Halle Bailey, A African American R&B singer Which got a lot of controversy for some reason I can’t wait to see how it turns out.
20 11,2020